Casey Cain Dan Timoney David McBride Robert Varga Stefan Kobza
- Followup on Chlorine Chlorine release for ONAP Kohn release.
- Followup on RFC 8040 RESTCONF changes
- Not a simple change
- May decide to use Sulfur and begin work on a new architectural element to map Biermann-draft API to RFC 8040
- Dan Timoney proposed adding an nginx in front of the SDNC
- New mapping element would be used in the ONAP London release to handle interfaces not yet ported to RFC 8040
- ONAP London would use ODL Chlorine or ODL Argon, introduce a new RESTCONF controller, and an nginx route adaptor.
- ONAP Kohn is suggested to use the ODL Sulfur release.
- Robert Vargasuggested that the ONAP community could take on some of the NETCONF development so they don't need to build their adaptor from scratch.