- LF Antitrust Policy
- Welcome new members
- Opens?
- EMCO 22.09 Blog
- Update on Nephio/ONE Summit & any followup
- Next Meeting December 29; keep or cancel?
- As needed:
- Winter 2023 D&TF
- The 22.09 blog content is finalized. Awaiting response from concerned people on next steps – folks were busy with ONES till last week.
- Sundar provided content for the LFN 2022 Year in Review. It is already past due, though any changes in the next couple of days may be accommodated. Otherwise, this topic is closed.
- No updates on NESONES/Nephio.
- There shall be no meeting on Dec 29.
- Winter (February) 2023 D&TF will be virtual. Need to publicize this.
- Louis would like to start the incubation review process next year.
Action Item-
- Nadathur Sundar Provide content for LFN 2022 Year in Review
- Amar Kapadia Update ONAP TSC on EMCO status
- Amar Kapadia Provide any update from Nephio/ONES