- Agenda for Antwerp f2f is still being developed. This is an open session - find out more!
- Reference Model/Architecture Version 2 are under discussion.
- OPNFV is to create and curate a set of reference implementation - spanning specific workload types and virtualization/container technologies
- OPNFV has a project proposal for a pilot vehicle for CNTT - called: CNTT-RI.
- Need input from the various projects
- Some security related work in ONAP might be relevant
- Seeking other candidate pan-LFN project interests
Action items
- Casey Cainto migrate the TAC meeting to Groups.io on
- Casey Cain to send Doodle poll for InfraWG meeting on
- Ranny Haiby to send email to the TAC mailing list to seek input from the projects on topics the Advisory Office should address