Excerpt |
April 22-23, 2020 |
<Sample Topic>
Short Description: One line description of topic
- Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic
- Topic Leader(s): name 1, name 2, ...
- Room Size (small, large, plenary):
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
<ETSI NFV modeling and API>
Short Description: The alignment of modeling and API between ONAP and ETSI NFV is important for the commerical deployment based on ONAP, this slot will summary what we have achieved and and identify the future cooperation work between modeling and API
- Detailed Description: Agenda
- ONAP RM modeling related ETSI NFV (Xu Yang )
- ONAP DM modeling related ETSI NFV
- ONAP API implementtaion progress related ETSI NFV (
- Latest ETSI NFV modeling and API progress (Thinh Nguyenphu )
- Operator's view on future work (
- Topic Leader(s): Andy Mayer, Hui Deng
- Room Size (small, large, plenary): Large
- Interested In Attending: Andy Mayer,
<ONAP container modeling>
Short Description: ONAP historically mostly documented the VM modeling, and now it moves into the cloudnative solution, so container modeling need to be documented as well
- ONAP Multivim container modeling (Bin Yang )
- ONAP cloudnative PoC (Srinivasa Addepalli )
- CNTT (Xu Yang )
- ETSI NFV container architecture
- Operator's view on future work
This page has been deprecated.
Please see 2020 April Virtual Technical Event