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Sandeep Sharma(Aarna)

Anshul Sharma(Calsoft)

Victor Morales (Samsung)

Oleg Berzin (Equinix)

Ritu Sood (Deactivated)(Intel)

Meeting Recording

Chat File - Includes vote on adopting Gitlab Issues as our official method/tool for tracking work items (approved 8-0)


1) Opens?

2) The ONAP community has been interested in integrating EMCO with ONAP to orchestrate workloads on distributed K8S clusters. Rhe ONAP ‘CNF Taskforce’ has been doing some analysis of EMCO in an attempt to figure out the right roles and responsibilities for each project in the integrated solution and the proper interfaces for integration. You can see some of this work in our taskforce wiki page:


Revisiting Equinix Use Case Overview

Roadmap release features proposals published in the Wiki- review at future meeting. 


Ranny explained the essential impetus for the EMCO tech leads conversation request for ONAP CNF Taskforce. ONAP currently has a Multi-Cloud Plug-in that points to an older version of EMCO and the project wants to advances this work and investigate whether EMCO can be a longer term solution. The next step is an informal discussion among architects and engineers familiar with how EMCO works and future direction. No presentation needed just yet, an open discussion to level set on objectives, ask questions to start off with. 

Sharad Mishra can be the point person to arrange the right EMCO folks to join the CNF taskforce calls, which will be moving to a new time after this week. EMCO team will review the links provided in the meeting minutes link in the Agenda. There are investigation links with more data on the perspectives of those exploring EMCO found there. Intel EMCO team will review and discuss. 

Topic: LFN Developer Conference. Bob will create a wiki page where we can brainstorm some ideas, create abstracts and discuss more completely at the next couple of meetings to nail down sessions we would like to propose. We must use the Create  EMCO Topic button to enter officially any proposed sessions, so that they get tagged and reviewed for getting slotted in by LFN staff scheduling the event. 

Initial ideas for topics include: EMCO Intro and Roadmap Overview for folks new to EMCO, ONAP CNF intersection, Anuket intersection ideas, 5G SUper Blueprint/5G SLicing Demo integration (PLenary? )

Topic: Logo concepts- Bob will reach out to Seshu to see if we can meeting separately to review concept drawings since it cna be hard for Seshu to make it to EMCO TSC meetings. Bob sill has an AR to send out a Doodle poll for new time options. 

Topic: GitLab Issues privileges: Igor indicates that the EMCO project is now enabled with GitLab Ultimate subscription. The next step for developers wishing to submit PRs and invoke built -in CI/CD with GitLab will need to designated/assigned to have a seat- an authorized, entitled user, in other words. Louis has put Igor in touch with his contact at GitLab to dig into the details of this more thoroughly before coming back to the team

Topic: Re-voting on adopting Gitlab Issues as our official method/tool for tracking work items. We did vote a few weeks ago and 6 present TSC members did approve unanimously.  But we had a glitch with the meeting invite and the meeting could not be recorded that day. Therefore, our voting, which occurred in the Chat window was not captured and we have no record of it. 

Re-posed the question again today for TSC vote. Measure was approved 8-0 and recorded in the Chat. 

Topic: Bob was to send out an edited/commented Technical Charter PDF , which he thought he did, but Louis could not find it. Bob to resend. 

Topic: A question on repo releases synced up for the 21.12 release of EMCO Core planned was discussed last week. The question was whether Aarna team, who are primary on the GUI repository, would seek to release as well and what would that entail? Possible APIs changes in EMCO core. 

Amar Kapadia came back this week, after having discussed with his team and noted that, they would like to sync up on the EMCO core release and, at the very least, adapt to any API changes that would make the GUI layer no longer backward compatible. That would be the minimum capability sought. And then Best efforts could be applied for support of any new APIs added. For discussion. 

Srini noted that could make sense, given the tight timeline after moving the repo back into LFN, but we should certainly come up with a much better process in the future for release planning and execution between the Core and GUI repositories/teams. Srini encouraged the Aarna team to do some initial testing with the EMCO Core code base being prepared in the public repo, and come back with any issues/incompatibilities found.  

This was verbally agreed for now and the Aarna team will coordinate

Final topic: Cathy Zhang asked that we begin to review the future feature release items in the Wiki page next meeting. Bob added it to Future Agenda topics. 

Meeting closed.