- LF Antitrust Policy
- Welcome new members
- Opens?
- LFN TAC project Health Check Review and scheduling
- LFN TAC project Health Check
- Draft LFN TAC project Health Check slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/178jHa1Q9TcMlVZL0VtoW146rxjU6pmUP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115348460061026676315&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Proposal to put project Health Check review on the March 15 TAC agenda
- Technical Steering Committee Wiki page updates
- Proposal to resend emais to TSC reps to check on status. Sundar sent an email last year, no responses. Should no reponse = removal?
Action Items-
- Amar Kapadia Update ONAP TSC on EMCO status, Sriram Rupanagunta will join and update