Feedback Awaited from Beth key questions to build coherence on paper Atul to articulate this section
- Analogy of ONAP with popular initiative as Open Stack
- How Operators got involved
- Role of community
- Will it result in business success specially reduced cost and agility
- Key message , can we prove from history Open can be carrier grade and will work
- Also suggest explain it can work for Telco , Enterprise etc
Something like a timeline chart for 3-4 key open source initiatives (preferably from LF ?), it can have an example of 2 from other streams (how about OpenSource MANO, that is the nearest example ? will this cause issues
Positioning of ONAP is across two areas (A) Network Automation and (B) Analytics
Corresponding projects in LFN and non LFN family are -
(A) Network Automation : Open Daylight / Tungsten Fabric / Open Stack / OSM
Example Template for OpenStack, expand for all the relevant projects
Put a preface and a post section on relevance of this section, this is key ---- MESSAGE to BRING OUT, HOW & WHEN Adoption STARTED, Ex - 2012, Red Hat Decided to go Distro MODEL
(B) Analytics : PNDA / SANS / Open Source Solutions from Hyper-Scalers