LF Staff:
Committee Members:
Guests: Casey Cain Trevor Bramwell @Steve Ira Andrew Grimberg Trishan de Lanerolle Jessica Gonzalez Daniel Takamori
Community Members: Olaf Renner Alexis de Talhouët FREEMAN, BRIAN D ChrisC Former user (Deleted) Abhijit K djhunt
- Start the Recording
- Antitrust Policy
- Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
- General Topics
- Current State of the Infra WG
- Casey Cain stated that he thought that the best way to start would be to have a discussion about the current state of SaaS CI/CD and feature comparison.
- Trevor Bramwell presented a deck that he prepared that highlights a number of features and their per-platform comparison.
- Casey Cain noted that there is a minimal cost differential. In some cases it's negligible. ONAP would likely see the most benefit from a cost comparison. OpenDaylight would likely see the most benefit from a technical comparison.
- FREEMAN, BRIAN D suggested that the communities develop an action plan for what it would take to migrate to a new platform and its impact on the community.
- It may take some trial and error to build out this data.
- Suggestions were made to find a way to implement an incremental migration plan if possible
- Projects should identify stakeholders and build expertise and prototyping. e.g. In ONAP, what happens with Gerrit or JJB if we move to Gitlab.
Other Considerations Discussed
- There is the consideration of younger developers' preference for engaging in projects using newer tooling like Gitlab-CI
- Steve Ira noted that if all projects agreed to migrate to a single pipeline that the LF would have additional leverage for negotiating contracts and costs. Particularly with Microsoft services.
- Decisions should still be based on criteria like features and effort,
- LF will need to build out support for the toolchain which they are currently developing.
- Could simplify support and services which could improve community collaboration.
- FREEMAN, BRIAN D noted that there also build requirements for multi-CPU environments.
- FREEMAN, BRIAN D also wanted to know how SSO would work and if we could be able to integrate LF-Identity logins.
- Trevor Bramwell explained that Gitlab-CI can use Github logins, but most SaaS CI/CD services don't support Enterprise logins. They require that you host the service yourself. We would likely need to have a separate login for SaaS.
- Steve suggested that OPNFV is probably the best project for early adoption despite the effort.
Next Steps
- Start a doodle poll for kicking off the next meeting which should take place in the first week of December.
- The PM and Community Representatives to review the features and start building out a list of requirements, features and community considerations.
Action items
- Casey Cainto create a new Doole poll for the next meeting which will take place in the first week of December.