EUAG Meeting Recordings
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Introductions of LFN staff and participants. Participants were asked their interest areas and hot button topics.
EUAG Meeting Recordings
LFN - Jim Baker , Former user (Deleted) , Heather Kirksey , Kenny Paul , David McBride
Donald Clarke -Cablelabs: hot hot which opensource pieces from LFN will be relevant. opnfv engaged, watching onap and edge
Gerald Knuzmann Kunzmann - DOCOMO : hot etsi nfv alignment. opnfv doctor and promise (?) projects
Herbert Damker – DT: hot opnfv not active but watching nfvi standardization. opnfv logical place to host., profiling. active in onap and tf. using contrail. need to decide on os
Zhangrurirui - CMCC: hot 5g
How to organize the workstreams?
- Perfer to be spammed for all meetings... so I can pick chose which to attend.
- Difficult to split into single projects - getting more email is better because of the overlap between projects
- Tag the subject line on key topics
- Until volume is understood, please spam
Decision: start with spamming for all topics and adjust
Meeting cadence
- Every other week?
- bi-weekly is a good initial cadence
- Get agenda early
Decision: Start with bi-weekly
Meeting time slot:
- Asia PAC/US time slots (rotate time of meeting)
- Could go back an hour early OR rotate?
- Prefer a single time slot to avoid repeating topics - hard to get decisions
- Do decisions email/wiki
- ACTION: Former user (Deleted) Jim Baker doodle poll for meeting time within 24 hours
Please email topics to Jim/Phil
Topics brainstorm:
- How to interact with other orchestrators - which protocols to leverage to facilitate
- Containerization of NwServices and security of the same
- On-boarding common NFVI, onboard VNF
- What are the gaps in making deployment difficult: training, other things that are friction in deployments
- Ask members to give short talks on what they have been doing and reveal shortfalls
- Closed meetings?- suggest open so that TSC can attend and hear first hand feedback?
- DECISION: Open meetings
- Conflicting requirements - could be very technical - albeit value is cross-functional
- Acceleration interfaces - want an open interface
- Get understand of multi-SDN projects - where they overlap
- "Why are there 17 orchestrators" - common architectural facets - platform oriented vs. service oriented architectures (resource model) same with policy
- Containerization of NFVs - overview and discussion
- VNF onboarding - standardize vis a vis accelerators and cloud native
- OVP program and prioirities
- ACTION Former user (Deleted) send out survey based upon today's feedback.