Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
Beth Cohen (Verizon)
Brandon Wick (LF)
Andrew McLachlan (Deactivated) (Red Hat)
Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
Agenda Bashing
Marketing Plan Next Steps
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to check on Intel Pod for ETSI PlugTest
- Scot Steele Bob Monkman (Deactivated) and Nick Chase to work on VNF vendors recruiting
Brainstorming webinar topics to keep flow of messaging and information going
There is a wiki link on some ideas for webinar topic
Beth Cohen to ping her team on the Edge idea for pulling a deck together. There is opening mid July (14th ish) - Beth asked about July 23rd. Looks good. Tentative plan for Edge webinar.
Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to ping Walter on their webinar idea
The other thing we can easily ramp up are Blog topics from participants. Rabi suggested for example work with TIP or other topics.
Team to think about and we can build up a list of Blog topics. (ping Bill from Loodse on RC2)
Andrew M mentioned that discussions around CNF testing work they are doing can be contributed to the effort- possible future topic.
- 3 levels of testing : Operators, Container, Network Function