- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Larry Horner (Intel)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
- Peter Woerndle (Ericsson)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Identify The Subteams to work on options proposals
- CNTT as a Separate Project Team will be:
- Rabi Abdel Walter.kozlowski Beth Cohen, Nick Chase as an AAL
- CNTT as a Top Level Committee
- No Volunteers, Scott Steinbrueck Recommended. Scot Steele to send email looking for 2 additional
- CNTT Merges with OPNFV
- Discussion: is this an option that enough of the CNTT team supports to have as an option? Will address on Friday 7/17 Meeting
- CNTT as a Separate Project Team will be:
- Discuss/Define timelines for proposal reviews
- Voting Method options to be reviewed with CNTT Governance on Thursday, 7/16
- CNTT as a Separate Project to be Presented on 7/24
- CNTT as a Top Level Committee to be presented on 8/7
- If CNTT Merges with OPNFV has support, it will be presented on 8/21
- If CNTT Merges with OPNFV does not have support, the Vote will occur on 8/14. Otherwise the vote will occur on 8/28