- Next D&T Forum confirmed for - . An email has been sent to the TAC and the technical communities have been notified.
- Topic Proposals
- Registration (Free)
- Still need to form program committee
- Community leadership PM/Chairs to reach out to their community to seek volunteers for the Program Committee
- volunteers: Ranny Haiby Timo Perala
- Please encourage communities to submit their proposals before year-end
- Ranny Haiby we can even do some preview
- looking for alternative delivery methods for tracks that are over-subscribed (ex: ONAP); for example, sessions that are not interactive could be published to a YouTube channel; OR all sessions on YouTube, but some are selected as pre-recorded and some as real-time
- Ed Warnicke - "nothing is real until it's on YouTube"; consider whether to have an ONAP channel, an LFN channel, and/or a conference channel
- Brandon Wick - keynotes, ONES demos, and webinar series are published on the Linux Foundation channel under a networking playlist, due to high # of subscribers
- discussion around recording all event sessions; also whether to upload meeting recordings (ex: TSCs) to YouTube to help "feed the algorithm"
- other alternative: "flip the conference", much like "flipping the classroom" - all sessions pre-recorded and use the slots for discussion with the presenter
- Consider "proximity chat" for hallway tracks or informal collaboration. See this article as example: https://www.wired.com/story/zoom-parties-proximity-chat/
- Jim Bakershared the suggested LF Lifecycle services by state.
- A discussion ensued around project wiki availability
- Ed Warnicke I'm not sure that the wiki provides a lot of value
- There was mixed feedback on the wiki.
- Based on suggestions from the TAC, the project wiki services were updated to ensure flexibility while keeping costs down for unfunded projects.
- The TAC discussed defect tracking solutions
- Ed doesn't like Jira
- Suggestion that TAC develop a set of "best practices" for new projects on tool usage, which may differ from the services provided.
Action items
- LF Staff to look at ideas for technical events and come up with suggestions.
- Community leadership PM/Chairs to reach out to their community to seek volunteers for the Program Committee