LF Staff: Jim Baker Brandon Wick Heather Kirksey Kenny Paul Trishan de Lanerolle
Committee Members: Lei Huang Ken KANISHIMA Scott Blandford
Guests: Al Morton Sridhar Rao Pankaj.Goyal Gergely Csatari Lincoln Lavoie Ulrich Kleber Pierre Lynch [Keysight] Scot Steele Walter.kozlowski Charles Eckel Georg Kunz Ildiko
- Start the Recording
- Antitrust Policy
- Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
- General Topics
- Joint meeting with Anuket
- Agenda
- Areas for coordination and collaboration:
- Recruiting
- Lincoln Lavoie Anuket Assured
- Areas for coordination and collaboration:
Anuket Assured Lincoln Lavoie
- Badging from Anuket Assured - is it meeting the operator needs?
- Requirements feed the specifications - are the covering the essentials?
- Is the testing coverage from the RC* work sufficient based on operator needs?
- Badging does NOT define new testing - rather it references existing tests for each of the infrastructure and workloads
- EUAG members don't have direct exposure to the Anuket project and specs (see wiki.anuket.io)
- Al Morton many pointers available to the content in Anuket are available
- Lei Huang perhaps EUAG do some homework to improve understanding on Anuket, then meet again.
AI/ML White paper
- How to combine the Anuket AI/ML work with the EUAG white paper development?
- NFV Testing & Automation Whitepapers are available here: https://www.lfnetworking.org/category/publications/
- AI/ML white paper still under development
- Weekly meeting in Anuket for AI/ML for NFV Sridhar Rao
- Plan - start with "failure prediction" use case: seeking an exact definition of this term.
- Using real data sets is desirable instead of synthetic data sets
- See https://wiki.anuket.io/x/XIh0
- Survey uses 7 different categories
- Next 3 months - expect a operating predictive model for failure prediction
- Other NFV Testing & Automation Whitepapers that Lei mentioned are available here: https://www.lfnetworking.org/category/publications/
Recruiting developers for Anuket development
- If there is value perceived from member companies in the Anuket work, the best way to continue the value delivery is to contribute resources
- New projects can be started as needed
- EUAG needs to develop their understanding of Anuket before this conversation can gain significance
Action items
- Educate the EUAG on the Anuket project and the content of the specs/tests/releases