TSC Meeting Zoom link
LFN Staff: LJ Illuzzi has a meeting conflict and is not able to attend. Udate on L3AF Incubation is below
- LF Antitrust Policy
- Meeting note taker
- Welcome new attendees
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- R2.1 Roadmap discussion
- https://github.com/l3af-project/l3af-arch/discussions/39#discussioncomment-7657406
- What is the plan for L3AF on Windows now that Microsoft has taken a pause?
- TSC membership discussion
- Marketing - Proposed "L3AF in Use" Blog
- Events
- DST Next week
- New TSC Meeting day/time
- Incubation Review
- LFN Mentorship Program
- KubeArmor Collaboration
- Out of Office
- General Topics (cover as needed)
- PRs:
- BPF-CORE Testing and validation (Atul Prajapati)
- Built on jammy v5.15 and tested on Kernel v6.5
- Test cases
- Enable l3afd running in docker container
- Provide a Dockerfile
- Running in dev env
- CI integration to test any PRs
- Dev env setup with docker (Arunkanth Abbigari )
- Cilium intergration
- Limitions
- One custom ebpf program can be chained.
- Need to build using bpf2go compiler.
- Pending task
- Root program build using bpf2go
- Send an email to Cilium coexistence limitations
- ONE Summit 2024, April 29 - May 1. San Jose CA
- LFN D&TF May 2-3, San Jose CA. Request for a program committee member to represent L3AF
- Jay Sheth confirms participation
- Plan the presentation on R2. 2.1 roadmap
- Limitions
- Present L3AF in CNCF TAG networking. (Lin Sun current chairperson, lead to ISTIO)
- On 04/17 the TAC approved L3AF for Incubation stage.
- Next and final step is LFN Governing Board review and vote. The review and vote will take place at the face-to-face Board meeting on 04/29
- Cisco
- Rakuten
- VMWare
- Project promotion
- Developer highlight
- Send an email to Lin Sun to connect on container strategy
- LFN Blog on iisc ebpf day eventevent