Amar Kapadia(Aarna Networks)
Milind Jalwadi (Tech Mahindra)
Ritu Sood (Deactivated)(Intel)
Oleg Berzin (Equinix)
Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel)
Anbu Ganesh(CanGo)
Timo Perala (Nokia)
24 Aug Agenda is:
Update on progress for Repo
- Seed Code Update?
CLA Discussion
Update on TAC Induction
DevOps CI/CD
Seed Code:
We have our own group under GitLab: (gitlab.com/project-emco/emco). This is a private Repo at this time.
Version of EMCO in this GitLab Group and looking to get the CI/CD up and running
Louis gave an overview of two options used by LF project typically- Easy CLA and DCO.
We will post the slide for the record, but it was discussed that DCO , in the opinion of Intel, is easier to maintain , especially for a smaller project. And Ranny noted the Easy CLA is stil a WIP by LFN IT to integrate into GitLab
Finally it was noted that we can always change it later if we find that DCO does not work for us any longer.
We noted that 5 of 8 TSC representatives were present and decide to hold a Chat record of vote.
Result was that DCO was approved by the TSC 5-0 as the initial default CLA mechanism
Louis than went over the LFN TAC Induction Draft deck that Bob and Louis have started on- what is the outline and expectation is for TAC Induction.
We will review a draft of the deck next week 13Aug2021 EMCO Formation meeting.
Louis noted that once a project passes TAC Induction, the decision to accept the project would go to the LFN Board.
Timing- Bob would like to target mid to late September for TAC presentation.
Target - Board Meeting Oct 11 at ONES is highly desired.
AR- Louis to investigate timing of TAC agenda item for EMCO induction and could we be on the docket for Board approval at Oct 11.
NOTE: Ranny notes that we really would need to show evidence of, line of sight to multi company contribution to EMCO, beyond Intel. Aarna Networks indicated they do plan to contribute significant code. So that helps.
Louis notes that typically a TSC member from EMCO would initiate an agenda item request for EMCO on the TAC meeting schedule.
Potential dates Sept 8, Sept 22, Oct 6.
Srini asked about documentation (user) requirement/expectation for TAC Induction. Louis commented that having this is very helpful.
Governance documented on the wiki is super important. PTLs, Voting procedures, also.
AR- Louis- ALert CS that the Logo template is ready to start for them.