- Definition of Consensus
- Structure of Consensus Building in Communities
- 5 steps making community decisions without consensus
- Disagree and Commit Definition
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
- Former user (Deleted) (Ericsson)
- Ahmed El Sawaf (stc)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Finalize voting group members - 15 min
- Proposal 1
- Officers/WSL /PTL get 1 vote EaOfficers/WSL/PTL select
- TSC and GSC leads get 1 vote ea
- WSL/TSC/GSC select up to 2 major contributors for their work stream.
- WSL /PTL/Officers use data and their best judgement to make selection
- 14 XX Individuals as WSL/PTL/Officers, total 42 XX Voting members
- Proposal 2: Open Community Vote
- Need to define Criteria - Git Contributors? Wiki? Other?
- Jim Baker & Scot Steele to work on updates.
- Proposal 1
- Review/Approval of Proposal for "Shared Diagnosis" and 2 level voting 20 Min
- Proposal 1:
Sub teams will build a proposal review presentation the presentations will include:
August 7th will be used to review any new proposal that may come out of the previous 3 weeks presentations.defined interfaces/interactions with other community members/teams,
pros, cons, and expected outcomes statements
- Proposals are reviewed
- 7/17 – review CNTT as a separate project
- 7/24 – Review CNTT merges with OPNFV
- 7/31 – Review of CNTT as a committee reporting to the LFN board
- At the end of each review the whole Community will vote YES/NO with the major reason for their vote (done through a poll)
- do-ability of the option
Expected outcomes
- Sub teams will drive building consensus on their proposal
- Proposals are reviewed in a meeting
- Voting group members review the community votes and comments on all of the proposals and Vote for the option they believe is best on 8/11.
- The Results are tabulated and announced on 8/14The GB is advised of result on 8/19
- The FMO Workstream Work stream develops a transition plan by mid September.
- Proposal 2:
- Community debates each option on a Friday Call
- 7/17 – review CNTT as a separate project
- 7/24 – Review CNTT merges with OPNFV
- 7/31 – Review of CNTT as a committee reporting to the LFN board
- 8/7 - Review any new proposal that may come out of the previous 3 weeks presentations.
- At the end of each review the whole Community will vote YES/NO with the major reason for their vote (done through a poll)
- Voting group members review the community votes and comments on all of the proposals and Vote for the option they believe is best on 8/11.
- The Results are tabulated and announced on 8/14
- The GB is advised of result on 8/19
- The FMO Workstream develops a transition plan by mid September.
- Proposal 1:
- Select Proposal presentations Teams 10 Min
- Current options are distributed via Mailing list
- Email used to debate issues
- Voting team votes on preferred option.
- Several updates made to proposals offered are reflected in the Agenda.
- Most dialog surrounded First Proposal, We should proceed with identifying teams to build out the presentations.
- Cedric advised group that Sept should be considered for the target date as summer holidays will impact participation in process. Scot Indicated we have to have something for the August board meeting, perhaps we can show progress report.
- Concern about the Operator mix was expressed. Commitment to consider that as a possible issue.
- Voting Process and team members should be considered and approved by Governance Brd on the Thursday meeting.
- Question was raised on Goals. Goals are identified in the GB presentation and will be clearly defined in the presentations of the options.
- Objective for Next week
1) Identify The Subteams to work on options proposals
2) Secure concurrence with CNTT Governance on voting option
3) Begin work on options proposals