Member | Representing | Member | Representing | Member | Representing | |||
ODL (TAC) | X | FD.io (TAC) | x | Orange | X | |||
OPNFV (TAC) | X | @Eyal Felstaine | Amdocs | Nokia | X | |||
@Anil Guntupalli | Verizon | Cisco | TF (incubation) | |||||
@Anil Kapur | Juniper | IBM | X | |||||
AT&T | X | Huawei | Samsung | X | ||||
ONAP (TAC) | X | China Mobile | Intel | X | ||||
ZTE | Deutsche Telekom | X | Red Hat | |||||
Ericsson | X | Walmart | China Telecom | |||||
Tech Mahindra | OPX (sandbox) | TBD | XGVela (sandbox)TBD | |||||
Alex Vul (Deactivated) | ODIM (sandbox) |
LF Staff: Kenny Paul, Casey Cain, Jim Baker, LJ Illuzzi, Heather Kirksey, Trishan de Lanerolle,
5G Super Blueprint
- Amar Kapadia <Insert slides here>
View file name 5G Super Blueprint Presentation 04 07 21.pdf height 250 - Integration effort - all contributions will be up stream
- Will mix open source and proprietary components (ORAN) initially with the long-term goal of full open source
- cl664y@att.com Magma orchestrator does not have the network slicing that is implemented in ONAP, is there an opportunity to use ONAP SO in the Magma space?
- Magma orchestrator is NOT the full featured orchestrator that ONAP is, they are independent/complementary functions
- Perhaps rename "Magma Orchestrator" to HSS emulator
- Phase 2 - network slicing is aggressive
- Phase 3 - Use open source O-RAN
- Plan on asking Anuket and other LFN projects to consolidate offerings and suggest a platform
- Tactically target for the July time frame (aggressive)
- Install kuberef 1&2
- install onap and emco
- register kuberef2 with onap+emco
- onboard cnfs 1&2 & vnf 1
- create network services with xNFs
- deploy network service
- register awg with magma
- manually config awg and run the tests
- Acceleration needed in Magma - ONAP integration (LCM, closed loop automation, etc.) + O-RAN integration (OSC) + lab resources (using LaaS now) + XCI-style CI pipeline (build from master)
- cl664y@att.com ONAP enterprise taskforce will focus on the integration here
- Governance - bwick leads meetings in LFN, LJ Illuzzi PM support
- Spanning multiple projects - need to cover the IP with clear licensing (needs LF legal input)
- Scripts/recipes & glue code will be authored for the implementation of the blueprint - to be stored in public repo
- Wiki page - https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/DAADAwuB-v
- cl664y@att.com Prefer to centralize the Jira for the project. ONLY pull content from upstream, no forks for existing projects.
- djhunt How can we generalize the 5G blueprint to include enterprise networking?
- Perhaps the use cases can include non-telco verticals
- Community members have raised concerns about the language in the Committer representative eligibility.
- Currently, the role is outlined in the LFN Charter in section 7(a)(iv).
- iv) setting processes and procedures for the election annually by vote, by and from
among the committers and maintainers to any Technical Project, an individual to
serve as a representative of the development community on the Governing Board (the
“Committer Representative”). Nominations to the position of Committer
Representative are subject to Governing Board approval; and - v) such other matters related to the technical role of the TAC as may be communicated
to the TAC by the Governing Board.
- iv) setting processes and procedures for the election annually by vote, by and from
- Criteria defined by the TAC LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR)
Eligible voters:
- Any person who is an “active contributor” to any LFN project (i.e. LFN TAC-projects as well as any other LFN projects) is eligible to vote for the election.
- An "Active Contributor" is defined as anyone that has made a code contribution to any LFN project in the past 12 months.
- Any person who is an “active contributor” to any LFN project (i.e. LFN TAC-projects as well as any other LFN projects) is eligible to vote for the election.
- Currently, the role is outlined in the LFN Charter in section 7(a)(iv).
- Al Morton OPNFV has always defined active community members broadly. Concerned that Anuket is a composite Project that includes folks that do not commit
- Ed Warnicke notes that communities that define voters differently creates issues - concerns raised of gaming system
- djhunt stated that the original rules for eligible voters were chosen to ensure a consistent definition across projects.
- Discussion to be moved to the TAC list
- Trishan de Lanerolle has reached out to the OPX Project and they have agreed to request that the project be Archived.
- There is a resolution to archive
- https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/1gIyAwXizv
- Project has been in maintenance mode for quite some time. No meaniful contributions in a year. The project has requested archival.
- Lifecycle process can be found here: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/swEiAQoJ-u
- TAC Office Hours
- Casey Cain mentioned that there are members who would like to pursue having regular TAC office hours. The topic will be continued on the mailing list in the interest of time.
- June Developer & Testing Form
- Event takes place 7 - 11 June, 2021
- Currently we have 2 reps from ONAP, one from ODL and one from TF for the Program Committee
- Any other volunteers to represent the other communities?
Action items
- Amar Kapadia upload a PDF of the slides presented today to these minutes