- Casey Cain talked about the need to start planning for ONES, and the 2020 Technical Meetings. We also need to take a look at what 2021 will look like.
- It's likely that events will remain virtual for the first half of 2021.
- Asks that if you have an interest in participating in coordinating and planning committee, please join the mailing list.
- Brandon Wick talked briefly about ONES and the upcoming technical events.
- For ONES we will be using a ONES -
- Using a virtual events tool called INXPO for hosting the event
- We are shifting to an EST time zone for the event to capture a broader audience.
- (same as Open Source summit NA). All talks will be recorded We are not going to pre-recorded with live Q&A
- Will not include an unconference track or ONIF networking event. We found that they were not really used holding these types of forums are not optimal in a virtual spaceevent.
- Normally a 2-day event following ONES. We Events team decided to make this event a bit shorter and make it 3 days instead. This eased (vs. 2 days), shift to an EST time zone for the event to capture a broader audience, and shorten the day length to ease the burden of participation.
- Technical Events
- We do not plan to hold the technical events 2-day LFN Technical Meetings during the same week as ONES because it could be a bit draining to attend ONES and the Technical Events.Right now we are looking at Meetings back to back all week.
- After checking the holidays and industry events schedule, the LF events team and the LFN staff are recommending &
- djhunt asks that the PMs coordinate with their communities to participate in the event planning committees.