- Ed Warnicke asks for the projects to take a deeper look at their budget spend and identify areas for cost savings.
- Kenny Paul and Casey Cain explained that the budget is not managed on a per-project basis but more of portfolio management.
- Cost savings can be identified and resolved like in ODL.
- Abhijit K It was identified that CI/CD was their biggest spend and they looked at the longest running, most expensive jobs, and looked to streamline them saving the community a considerable amount of money.
- Identifying areas such as this in your communities may be able to improve your budget and available funding.
- Casey Cain Zoom will be making changes to all Zoom accounts requiring a password or a waiting room for all meetings starting . LFN PM teams will be reaching out to the various communities on how this will affect them.
- Zoom meeting links will likely need to be updated and distributed.
Action items
- LFN PMs to check on the Docker Open Source Application and update the TAC
- Casey Cain to work with Jim Baker to identify the requirements for the TAC rep to the CNTT/OPNFV working group and update the TAC/Jason