- Discussion from 2021-04-07 TAC Minutes did not continue via email as anticipated.
- Al Morton would like to see "code contributions" expanded to include specification writers
- Ed Warnicke there are communities have doc or test repos that may not be code specific, so if a repo with Committers then that would be acceptable.
- Discussion regarding contributions versus "Committers"
- Candidates: no disagreement that "Committer Representative" should be the literal Committer as it applies to any repo irrespective of repo contents
- desire to include community defined "contributors" as eligible voters
- Anuket perspective -measurable and repeatable
- Concerns raised about potential for gaming the system if defined more broadly
- Suggested language for what constitutes an eligible voter to be sent to the list and will be voted upon at the next meeting.
Action items
- Casey Cain set up a page for TAC rotation for attendance at TSC calls.