Please add your name in here:
- Rabi Abdel
- Karine Sevilla
- Pankaj.Goyal
- Mark Shostak (AT&T)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Michael Fix (AT&T)
- Mike Bustamente (AT&T)
- speedwyre (AT&T)
- Agenda Bashing
- Logistics.
- Resending invites.
- Making sure people have the invite in their calendars.
- AlI: all to re-send invite to mailing lists.
- The need for Meeting Minutes capturing.
- All: meeting need to have minutes.
- GitHub issues?
- Resending invites.
- Technology status and GAPS - Reference Model.
- Chapter 1: Beth
- Change in some definitions of NFVI and compute flavours.
- Need to sync with Beth to understand status and plan.
- Chapter 2: Ahmed:
- some issues are pending.
- No update from Ahmed.
- Chapter 3: Bernard
- Bernard has been on Vacation.
- No update.
- Chapter 4: Mark S
- one PR WIP.
- Chapter 5: Karine S
- Move some content to Chapter 4.
- Scaling PR WIP (discussion on going)
- Chapter 6: Pankaj
- Plan to progress PR next week.
- clan up Chapter 6.
- Chapter 7: Walter
- Dedicate special meeting for it.
- Two PRs to be created for next week (Mike B is covering for Walter while he is on holiday)
- Chapter 8: Mike F
- Developing content -
- Initial CNTT > OPNFV > CVC alignment discussions -
- Test Case Gap Assessment: Pending start review -
- Initiated Formal OPNFV Proj Proposal: Internal CNTT Gov Review Thurs Will be away from desk a few min; on mobile .
- PR to be created from the Branch.
- Chapter 9: Tom
- Rabi to Sync with Tom.
- Chapter 10: Jonathan
- Back log management and how to communicate.
- Meeting is organised. (release planning)
- History management.
Document Management (Publishing History, authoritative approvals--e.g. GSMA, Changes to date, repository, etc.)
Backlog (three bullets below)
In-flight (Pending Issues, Pull Requests)
Next Release
Release Management (HL Approach / Methods / Flow / Naming / Etc.)
- Chapter 1: Beth
- Reference Architecture Planning.
- Meeting is organised today to do it.
- to be approved and discussed next Tuesday.
- Unconf Topic Proposals, Sept '19
- Reference Model and input for Containers.
- K8s and Conainers Ref Architecture Creation and GAPS identification.
- Verification and Expanding OVP to include containers.
- APIs.
- Unconf Topic Proposals, Sept '19
- GAP/Concern
- VNFs vs CNF
- Keep using VNFs but with clarification when possible that it includes container.
- Issue created to clarify VNF to include containers.
- Contributions?
- Rabi to go though Issues and mark High priority Items to be addressed for Antwrep.
- Create a Table to Track issues and plan.
- VNFs vs CNF