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Purpose of this paper:
- ONAP is an Open Source network automation platform
- Over last 2+ years, LFN Community has built the platform with inputs from many communication service providers & vendors
- ONAP maturity has been focused on below areas -
- Technical Robustness of the Platform & Use of Modern Software Development Practices
- Functional Maturity of the Platform, Primarily Encompassing Network Automation Scenario / Journeys Supported for As Many Domains As Possible
- Operational Readiness of the Platform, Aligning with Future of Networks & How to Operate Them in Mind
- One of the bottlenecks towards consuming ONAP has been a lack of guidance around suggested consumption model, SI led, in-sourced, product-ised (distribution led) or any other
- Creation of a world class platform is an art which LFN has been perfecting, it is consumption of that platform in CSPs and considerations towards that, which this white paper is trying to focus on
Table for contributors to white paper and status
Saad Ullah Sheikh (STC)
Cecilia Corbi (TIM)
Beth (Verizon)
Section 1 : Purpose of the Paper
Beth (Verizon)
Marc-Alexandre Choquette (Bell)
Brian Freeman (AT&T)
Vodafone (Atul)
China Mobile (Lei Huang)
Semi Draft, Needs Work
Need AT&T & Bell's inputs (Skills ?, process ?)
Should we outline process / few points for other options ?
White Paper Action Log and Allocation
Section 1
- Enhance the section with diagrams / rough sketches is ok, we will ask MAC to help with designer graphics
- Lift and shift content relevant to other sections
Review Section 1 / Place comments with your name and rational
Add any other additional content / diagram etc...
Section 2
- Pick 3 open source projects and create 5-10 bullet points and one timeline infographic diagram, even if it is drawn by pen and photo pasted it is ok
- Example - Open Source MANO, OpenStack, etc...
- Wrt to this topic, what is sharable by AT&T
- Please articulate on section 3 with any diagrams, ANY contribution is valuable
- Bell has some interesting story to say, Marc can you please add some content / diagrams ? Bell's journey or model that you can share publically
- Add content and diagrams
- Refactor content with instead of Pros Cons, features / benefits - take comments of S.American markets into consideration (Telecom Argentina) - one market's pros can be other market's cons, the paper has to reflect reality without biasness to any model
Actions from Jan 2020 Prague Committee Meeting
14th January 2020 (Prague)
Introduction section to be cleansed, move relevant sections to right places and add diagrams (indicative)
14th January 2020 (Prague)
Section 2, example projects
14th Jan 2020 (TBC by January end 2020)
ONAP Survey Creation & Publication