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Table of Contents | ||
Please use the Sample Topic below to post your topic proposal in the appropriate section. Using the key words listed in red of each section in the title of your topic proposal will help ensure that it is linked in each community section automatically.
<Sample Topic Title>
Short Description: One line description of topic
Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic
Topic Leader(s): name 1, name 2, ...
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 30 mins/1 hour
Cross-Community / General Topics
Please include "Plenary" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering
Table of Contents maxLevel 3 minLevel 3 include Plenary
Plenary - June 2020 vDTF Welcome and Kickoff
- Topic Leader: Heather Kirksey
- Recording
Plenary - "Ask Me Anything" NEW June 25
- Topic Leaders: Arpit Joshipura, Junlan Feng, Jonne Soininen
- Short Description: This is an unstructured "Ask Me Anything" drop-in session
- Detailed Description:
- Arpit Joshipura is the General Manager of Networking, IoT and Edge at the Linux Foundation
- Dr. Junlan Feng is Chief Scientist, China Mobile Research and Chair of the LFN Governing Board
- Jonne Soininen, is the Head of Open Source Initiatives at Nokia and LFN Governing Board, LFN Treasurer & Chair of the LFN Strategic Planning Committee
Plenary - LFN Cross Community demos and integration - TAC Whitepaper follow-up
Short Description: Kick off demo and integration activities that showcase the synergies between LFN Projects as suggested in the TAC Whitepaper.
- Detailed Description:This is a brainstorming session. The LFN TAC Whitepaper proposed potential integrations between LFN projects. It is time to discuss how to make such integration happen. This session is intended for Subject Matter Experts from the LFN Projects, as well as end users who could provide real use cases to work on. The goal of this session is to come up with a plan for follow up work and assign roles and responsibilities.
- Topic Leader(s): Ranny Haiby
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Chaker Al-Hakim
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/jwNRAgNPnu
- Presentation: LFN_Cross Community Demos and Integration - TAC Whitepaper follow-up.pptx
- Recording
Plenary - Reference CNF development journey and outcomes
Short Description: Deep dive session for sharing lessons learned during the testing and implementation of a CNF.
- Detailed Description: Transforming VNFs to CNFs requires many considerations. Some of them are related with the architecture of the application (e.g. use of micro-services instead of monolithic architecture) and others refer to the proper usage of the container's toolset (Docker, Docker-Compose, Kubernetes, Multus, Flannel, Helm, etc.) . This session covers lessons learned discovered during the implementation and validation of the go-gtp CNF used by the CNCF Testbed project. The audience will get familiar with the CNF used along this journey. The relevant resources such as Helm charts and images will be shared so they might be used as a reference model for a CNF by some of the LFN projects dealing with CNF on-boarding and orchestration. People from the ONAP, OPNFV and CNTT communities might find this information relevant to their projects.
- Topic Leader(s): Victor Morales
- Schedule:
- Slides:
View file name Reference CNF development journey and outcomes.pdf height 250 - Recording
Plenary - PaaS with XGVela
Short Description: Overview of the XGVela project, goals, and scope discussion.
- Detailed Description: XGVela recently joined LF with the focus to create a cloud native PaaS platform for telco industry. This session will introduce to telco operators and vendors about this project, covering project initial goals, scope and plan. As the project is still in its initial phase, we wants to gather operators together to discuss about telco cloud native evolution direction, their most concerned issues during cloud native transformation, PaaS use cases, project contents and etc., which are problems the project mostly concerned about.
- Topic Leader(s): Qihui Zhao
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD-Looking for volunteers
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Jim Baker
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Jim Baker
- Expected duration: 30 mins (might be 1 hour if could involve more operators to join discussion)
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/pANRAgUvnu
- Slides:PaaS with XGVela - v3.pdf
- recording:
Plenary – Intro to Open Source and LFN
Short Description: Overview of of open source participation at a high level as well as an overview of LFN's structure
- Detailed Description: Much of the event will rightly be focused on deep dives and moving the ball forward on specific work items, but for new members, new folks at existing members, and interns, some background context and overall shaping of how progress occurs in such a large and diverse community can be quite useful.
- Topic Leader(s): Heather Kirksey
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Heather Kirksey (Note this session is intended to be more informative than one spinning up a ton of action items)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Heather Kirksey
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
Plenary – LFN Cross-Community Discussions - Shift to Release Train?
Short Description: Open discussion, gathering experience, challenges and opportunities from the different communities about their Release Cadence.
- Detailed Description: Based on recent discussions at the TAC level, it appears that all the communities are trying to improve their release cadence. How can we release a subset of requirements (developed and certified) prior (and so independently of) the Release Sign-Off.
- Topic Leader(s):
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Any Volunteer?
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/mANRAgQPnu
- Presentation: Shift to Release Train_V1.pdf
- Recording
Plenary - GSMA Edge Computing projects
Short Description: An introduction to the Operator Platform and Telco Edge Cloud activities in GSMA
- Detailed Description: The GSMA is running two projects that focus on delivering Edge Computing/Cloud capabilities in operator networks. This session would provide an introduction to those activities which could form the basis for a discussion how those would relate to the Edge computing activities in LFN and how to cooperate and avoid duplicate work.
- Topic Leader(s): Juan Carlos Garcia (To be confirmed),Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated)
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Expected duration: 45min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time)
Plenary - Cooperative exploration between open source and standards regarding testing
Short Description: Cooperative exploration and discussion between open source and standards regarding testing and certification
- Detailed Description: This sesion plan covers the following topics: 1. LFN CVC and VNF Progress 2. ETSI NFV Plugtests Introduction 3. CMCC's efforts on automated testing in LFN and ETSI NFV 4. LFN VTP test platfrom and the test it supporting 5.Cooperative exploration and discussion between LFN CVC and ETSI NFV
- Topic Leader(s): Yan Yang Lincoln Lavoie (To be confirmed) @Michele Carignani @Silvia Almagia Kanag
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Yan Yang
- Expected duration: 90 min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time)
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/qANRAgVvnu
- Recording
Plenary - Cloud Native in Telecom Cloud
Short Description: Overview of Cloud Native in Telecom Cloud.
- Detailed Description: This session introduce how Cloud Native works in telecom cloud. Cloud Native may have an impact on architecture and component functions of NFV. Recently many projects and organisations have researches on the related technologies, such 3GPP, ETSI, ONAP, CNTT and XGVela and etc. In this session, we will present the target of using Cloud Native in telecom cloud, the possible architecture and the existing researches.
- Topic Leader(s): Ying Li Qihui Zhao
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Ying Li
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/oQNRAgTvnu
- Slides:Cloud Native in Telecom Cloud.pdf
- Recording
Plenary - OVP Status and Evolution
Short Description: Provide an update on the current status of the OVP programs and discuss some key topics on the evolution of the programs.
- Detailed Description: Provide an update to the community on the current status of the OVP programs and the latest 2019.12 release, followed by discussions of open questions for the evolution of the programs. Questions / Discussions: 1) Some operator participants have suggested updates to the review process and teams may help encourage more vendors to participate in the programs, by limiting expose of test results to competitors. How can we evolve the programs to best meet the needs of the participants, while protecting their investments in their implementations? 2) As the programs evolve, there may be more optional test cases or levels of testing, especially within the Cloud Native testing of CNFs. In these cases, how should the listings of the programs evolve to enabled external viewers to clearly understand what has been tested for each badge? For example, should a "badge record" include some type of report or documentation of what test cases were run? 3) How to deal with previous releases of OVP, and how "long" of a tail should be officially supported?
- Topic Leader(s): Lincoln Lavoie Yan Yang Rabi Abdel Trevor Lovett
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/pgNRAgVPnu
- Recording Note - starts after session was already about half over
Plenary - Help Recruit more Developers to LFN Projects!
Short Description: Brainstorm ideas for recruiting more developers into LFN projects
- Detailed Description: Our LFN Projects are always in need of more developers. This session will explore ways to recruit more developers into LFN. We'll begin with a review of the approaches that current LFN projects use today (mentoring, interns, "taxing", and student volunteers). We'll then brainstorm ways to 1) promote the development needs of projects, 2) reward/acknowledge contributors (badging, reference letters, etc.), and 3) provide tooling that is easy for new developers to adopt. Please attend with your ideas!
- Presentation:
View file name Help Recruit more Developers to LFN Projects.pdf height 150 - Topic Leader(s): djhunt Abhijit K Al Morton Morgan Richomme Ranny Haiby
- Schedule:
- Minutes: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/kwNRAgOPnu
- Recording
Plenary - Testing Telecom workload and platform adherence to cloud native principles
Short Description: Intro to the CNF Conformance suite and current status with testing CNF microservices and plans for platform testing.
- Detailed Description: In this session we will review the plan and current progress for the CNF Conformance initiative as well as a walk through on how it can be used to test a CNF microservice. In addition to testing your CNF we will also cover how you can contribute to the project. There will be time for Q&A and discussion.
- Topic Leader(s): Taylor Carpenter
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Lucina Stricko, and TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): TBD - Looking for volunteers
- Expected duration: 45min (presentation can be adapted to allocated time
ONAP Topics
Please include "ONAP" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering
Table of Contents | ||||||
ONAP - Best practices for updating software components
Short Description: MTTU for open source vs. reality and steps taken to implement best practices in this area
- Detailed Description: Processes implemented to assure best possible outcome in the security domain including: base images recommendation, Java and Python upgrades and components packages upgrades
- Topic Leader(s): Pawel Pawlak @ Amy Zwarico
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pawel Pawlak
- Presentation Materials: 2020-06-23-BestPracticesForUpgradingComponents.pptx
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 minutes
ONAP - EUAG operator survey and in depth analysis on consumption model and recommendation
Short Description: An in depth analysis of EUAG survey on various onap consumption models and learnings, recommendations
- Detailed Description: EUAG has undertaken an operator survey on onap and various consumption models. We would like to present our recommendations in this one of a kind surgery
- Topic Leader(s): @atulpurohit Vodafone @lei CMCC @lei
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
ONAP - Frankfurt Post Mortem
Short Description: Discussion of what did and did not work for the Frankfurt release
Detailed Description: This session is a pre-requisite for the Guilin TSC Prioritization discussion
Topic Leader(s): David McBride
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Kenny Paul
- Presentation materials:
View file name ONAP Frankfurt Retrospective 20200623.pdf height 150 - Minutes: 2020 June vDTF ONAP Frankfurt Post Mortem
- Recording
ONAP - Guilin TSC Prioritization
Short Description: The ONAP TSC will share their prioritization for the Guilin Release
Detailed Description (under construction):
Topic Leader(s): and ONAP TSC
- Presentation:
View file name Guilin TSC Prioritization.pdf height 150 - Recording
ONAP - Closed Loop Target Reference Architecture and Rel G steps
Short Description: Discussion about Closed Loop Target Reference Architecture: how the target solution should look like and Rel G steps
Detailed Description (under construction):
Topic Leader(s): Pamela Dragosh, Vijay Kumar , Liam Fallon , Michela Bevilacqua , Scott Blandford , .....Subcommittee Closed Loop members
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Control Loop Subcommittee Members
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pamela Dragosh
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Pamela Dragosh
Expected duration: 45 mins, 1 h
ONAP - Policy Framework Project Guilin Prioritization
Short Description: The ONAP Policy Project working session to prioritize Guilin requirements
Detailed Description (under construction):
Topic Leader(s): Pamela Dragosh
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Policy Contributor (TBD)
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Policy Contributor (TBD)
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Policy Contributor (TBD)
Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - A1 adapter in OSC and ONAP
Short Description: Introduction about A1 interface and functional components in ONAP and OSC
- Topic Leader(s): JohnKeeney, Michela Bevilacqua
- Detailed Description: ONAP/3GPP & ORAN Alignment: A1 Adapter extensions
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Michela Bevilacqua
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): JohnKeeney
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Zu Qiang
Expected duration: 30 mins
- Recording: 20200624-LFN-vDTF--ONAP-A1Adapter-OSC+ONAP-JohnKeeney.mp4
- Slides:
View file name 20200624 LFN DTF ONAP-A1 JohnKeeney.pdf height 150
ONAP - Configuration & Persistency Service - Overview & Applications
Short Description: Overview of Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) project & applications
Detailed Description:
Overview presentation on Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) project. Presentations on Model driven C&PS, State Management, OOF/SON/PCI and E2E Network Slicing applications of C&PS.
- Presentation Slides:
View file name ConfigurationPersistencySvcDDF_22Jn2020v7.pdf height 150 Topic Leader(s): Benjamin Cheung Ciaran Johnston Bruno Sakoto Tony Finnerty Joanne Liu Rudel
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Tony Finnerty
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Joanne Liu Rudel
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Benjamin Cheung
Expected duration: 60 mins
ONAP - 5G & PNF Use Case Overview
Short Description: Overview of 5G (RAN) and PNF Use Cases
Detailed Description:
An overview, update and Q&A of the 5G (RAN) and PNF use cases. These include the 5G Service Modeling, A1 adaptor, E2E Network Slicing, PNF Plug and Play, PNF Pre-onboarding, CMPv2.
- Presentation Slides: R75GPNFUseCasesDDF-22Jun2020v2.pdf
Topic Leader(s): Benjamin Cheung Vimal Begwani
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Benjamin Cheung
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Vimal Begwani
ONAP - Docs migration
Short Description: Walkthrough of the doc migration.
Detailed Description: We will wrap up the docs migration. Welcoming questions and feedback. We will also work with potential issues if projects still report.
Topic Leader(s): Sofia Wallin Jessica Gonzalez
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): @both
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sofia Wallin
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sofia Wallin
Expected duration: 60 mins
ONAP - vFW CNF usecase evolution
- Short Description: Presentation of current CNF instantiation capabilities as of Frankfurt ONAP release and its possible near-future improvements.
- Detailed Description: This presentation covers Frankfurt changes for CNFs handling in ONAP that are verified by vFW CNF CDS usecase. Last changes provide improvements across modeling and instantiation among other things, integration with Macro instantiation workflow, Controler Design Studio, multi vf-module (multi helm package) CNF design and dynamic enrichment of helm package. Implemented changes lead to more user-friendly use-case execution and allow seamless instantation of many customized CNFs based on the same helm package. Presentation will also cover possible further improvements in Guilin release.
- Presentation: vFW_CNF_CDS June DDF v5.pdf
- Video Demo presented:
View file name vFW_CNF_CDS_usecase_short_demo.mp4 height 150
- Topic Leader(s): Konrad Bańka s.silvius Lukasz Rajewski
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): all
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Lukasz Rajewski
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Konrad Bańka
ONAP - Documentation guide
Short Description: Revise the documentation guide
Detailed Description: The documentation guide needs to be updated and reflect current ways of working. We will use this session to coordinate and plan the work.
Topic Leader(s): Sofia Wallin and Eric Debeau
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Eric Debeau
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sofia Wallin
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sofia Wallin
Expected duration: 60 mins
ONAP - Requirements Traceability: Initial Request through TSC Approval
Short Description: Aligning the process to avoid duplication of effort and multiple tracking models across subcommittees.
Detailed Description: Discussion resulting from the May 28th TSC call during the Guilin requirements review where it became clear that everyone was not on the same page. Outcomes will be applied to the Honolulu release.
Topic Leader(s): Alla.Goldner, Chaker Al-Hakim, Pawel Pawlak, Pamela Dragosh, David McBride,
Moderator: Kenny Paul
- Minutes 2020 June vDTF ONAP Requirements Traceability: Initial Request through TSC Approval
- Recording
ONAP - CNF Orchestration through ONAP
Short Description: Orchestration
Detailed Description: The discussion is in continuation to the journey of orchestrating the CNFs in ONAP and what is being targeted in Guilin and how is it intended to be functional including the Day0 and Day 1 operations.
Topic Leader(s): Seshu Kumar Mudiganti Lukasz Rajewski
Scribe: tbd
Moderator: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Seshu Kumar Mudiganti Lukasz Rajewski
Expected duration: 30 mins
View file name CNFO_REQ_341_DTF.pdf height 150 - Recording
ONAP - Multi Tenancy a quick glance on Guilin scope
Short Description: ONAP supporting the multi tenancy
Detailed Description: The discussion is to emphasize on what is being targeted to Guilin release, the design vs runtime differentiation and how its intended to be achieved.
Topic Leader(s): Seshu Kumar Mudiganti Olivier Phenix Mike Elliott Marc-Alexandre Choquette
Scribe: tbd
Moderator: Olivier Phenix
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Olivier Phenix
Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Modeling Subcommittee Meeting
Short Description: ONAP Modeling Subcommittee Meeting
Detailed Description: Discussion on modeling requirements being targeted for the Guilin release, as well as updates on current modeling activities.
Topic Leader(s): Hui Deng Andy Mayer
Scribe: tbd
Moderator: Hui Deng Andy Mayer
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Hui Deng Andy Mayer
Expected duration: 60 mins
- Agenda:
- Recording: LNF_June_vDTF-ONAP-_Modeling_Subcommittee.mp4
ONAP - Requirements Subcommittee meeting and presentation of Guilin planned work
Short Description: The ONAP Requirements Subcommittee working session and presentation of Guilin work
Detailed Description (under construction):
Topic Leader(s): Alla.Goldner
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBD
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Alla.Goldner
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): TBD
Expected duration: 2 hours
ONAP - Standards-defined notifications collection with stndDefined VES domain
Short Description: Extending ONAP VES Event Listener with capability to collect and validate events defined by industry standards groups (e.g. 3GPP).
Detailed Description:
OVERVIEW - As part of ONAP - 3GPP Harmonization efforts, an approach has been evaluated, which allows collecting standards organization defined notifications in ONAP.
- SOLUTION - This approach allows ONAP-enabled operators to benefit from the notifications created by a large variety of devices and applications, aligned with standards in their own domain.
- SOFTWARE IMPACT - The main goal is to make sure that ONAP and other standards could evolve their notifications independently.
- STANDARDS - Initial release focuses on collection aspect for 3GPP defined 5G notifications, while it is possible to include other types of notifications in operator`s environment.
Topic Leader(s): damian.nowak marge.hillis Oskar Malm Vimal Begwani
Scribe: Benjamin Cheung
Moderator: marge.hillis
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): marge.hillis Benjamin Cheung damian.nowak
Expected duration: 45-60 mins
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ONAP - Set up Kubernetes ENV guide in Ubuntu
Short Description: Setting up Kubernetes environment in Ubuntu system.
Detailed Description:
China Mobile set up a Kubernetes ONAP environment in the lab, using Ubuntu system.
- This is Elalto version OOM deployment.
This presentation would work through the details of environment building procedure. Also there are some experiences sharing.
- ONAP OOM deployment - Set up Kubernetes cluster in Ubuntu.pdf
- ONAP Kubernetes cluster in Ubuntu.png
Topic Leader(s): Chengli Wang ZhuangyangChen
Scribe: (TBD)
Moderator: ZhuangyangChen
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): ZhuangyangChen
Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - vFWCL debug Guide
Short Description: Work through vFWCL scenario in Kubernetes ENV.
Detailed Description:
This presentation addresses vFWCL scenario in Kubernetes ENV, highly detailed. ONAP version is Elalto.
- Also there is a trouble-shooting section, which might help to on-board this scenario.
- ONAP vFWCL debug Guide.pdf
- ONAP vFWCL debug Guide mind map
Topic Leader(s): Chengli Wang ZhuangyangChen
Scribe: (TBD)
Moderator: ZhuangyangChen
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): ZhuangyangChen
Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Modern Approach to implement VF creating in SDC
Short Description: Presentation of a convenient approach for instantiation VF
Detailed Description:
When creating a VF, you can upload the image and image description file to the SDC by adding Aritifacts, and then generate the uploaded image into the downloaded Csar package when downloading, which is convenient for subsequent instantiation and other operations.
- ONAP Modern Approach to implement VF creating in SDC.pdf
- China Mobile SDC scenario mind map
- Feel free to contact via RocketChat or simply Email ZhuangyangChen
Topic Leader(s): Chengli Wang ZhuangyangChen
Scribe: (TBD)
Moderator: ZhuangyangChen
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): ZhuangyangChen
Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Model Driven Configuration and Persistency Service PoC Deep Dive
Short Description: Presentation of the concepts, rationale and plan for a model driven configuration and persistence service in ONAP
- Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic
- Topic Leader(s): Ciaran Johnston, @tony finnerty, @toine siebelink, ...
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): @tony finnerty
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Ciaran Johnston
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Ciaran Johnston
- Expected duration: 45 minutes - 1 hour
- Presentation: DDF_CPS_PoC.pdf
Short Description: Python ONAP SDK state of work
- Detailed Description: Python ONAP SDK is a project which can make testing and working with ONAP easier. During the presentation I want to show what is currently possible to do using Python ONAP SDK and talk about roadmap
- Topic Leader(s): Michał Jagiełło
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Marek Szwałkiewicz
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Michał Jagiełło
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Michał Jagiełło
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Presentation:
View file name lfn_onapsdk.pdf height 250 - Recording: Python ONAP SDK
ONAP - E2E Network Slicing Session 1
Short Description: Frankfurt highlight and Guilin overview
- Detailed Description: 1. Frankfurt highlight recap and Demo Show of Frankfurt implementation 2. Overall scope and functional impacts in Guilin release
- Topic Leader(s): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Recording: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/4037024315661758/ONAP_E2E_Network_Slicing_Session_1.mp4?api=v2
- Presentations:
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ONAP - E2E Network Slicing Session 2
Short Description: NSSMF Implementation within ONAP
- Detailed Description: Introduction to the solution on how to manage the three domain subnet slicing (RAN, TRANS, CORE) within ONAP. To be more specific, this session will contain three part to introduce you our NSSMFs plan and solution for Guilin release:1. RAN Slicing, including external RAN NSSMF Connection; 2. Transport Slicing; 3. Core Slicing
- Topic Leader(s): LIN MENGSwaminathan Seetharaman
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Recording: For Transport Slicing, pl. see also see the first part of the Session 3.
- Presentations: (a) Core (b) RAN (c) Transport
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ONAP - E2E Network Slicing Session 3
Short Description: Slice KPI Monitoring, closed loop and intelligent slicing solution
- Detailed Description: It will contains three sub-topics: 1. KPI Monitoring; 2. Close loop control; 3. Intelligent Slicing
- Topic Leader(s): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Recording: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/4037024315661758/ONAP_E2E_Network_Slicing_Session_3.mp4?api=v2
- Presentations: (a) KPI Monitoring (b) Closed Loop (c) Intelligent Slicing
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ONAP - 5G OOF SON use case: Overview, Demo & Roadmap
Short Description: Introduction to the 5G OOF SON use case, current status & overview of Guilin requirements, demo of the functionality
- Detailed Description: This will cover 3 parts: (1) Introduction to the use case, objectives, and functionality realized so far (2) Demo of the use case (with a simulated RAN) (3) Overview of Guilin requirements, road ahead and dependencies
- Topic Leader(s): @N. K. Shankaranarayanan Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): @N. K. Shankaranarayanan Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): @N. K. Shankaranarayanan Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): @N. K. Shankaranarayanan Swaminathan Seetharaman
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Recording: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/4037024315661758/ONAP_5G_OOF_SON_use_case_demo.mp4?api=v2
- Presentation:
View file name OOF_SON_Frankfurt_demo_20200624_v2.0.pptx height 150
ONAP - Writing tests with Robot Framework
Short Description: Introduction, best practices and hints on writing tests with Robot Framework
- Detailed Description: During this presentation I want to familiarise participants with Robot Framework, show some shortcuts that can be taken and show the Robot wrapper for Python ONAP SDK in action.
- Topic Leader(s): Marek Szwałkiewicz
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Marek Szwałkiewicz
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Marek Szwałkiewicz
- Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - OOM Status update: what's planned internally
Short Description: Update on the internal plans for OOM project
- Detailed Description: This presentation will talk about the work OOM developpers wants to do for Guilin release
- Topic Leader(s): Sylvain DesbureauxKrzysztof Opasiak
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Eric Debeau
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sylvain Desbureaux
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Recording: none, I forgot to click on "recording" sorry
- Slides:
View file name LFN_June_vDTF_OOM_internal-v2.pptx height 150
ONAP - OOM Status update: consequences on other components
Short Description: Update on the OOM project requirements that may impact other components
- Detailed Description: Being the integration of package from all ONAP component, changes in OOM may have impacts on a lot of them. This presentation will detail them
- Topic Leader(s): Sylvain Desbureaux Krzysztof Opasiak
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sylvain Desbureaux
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Recording: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/4037024315661758/OOM_Status_update_consequences_on_other_components.m4a?api=v2
- Slides:
View file name LFN_June_vDTF_OOM_external-v2.pptx height 150
ONAP - Service Mesh for RBAC and security PoC
Short Description: a PoC is started on Guilin release in order to strenghten security of ONAP.
- Detailed Description: Phased approach and code consequences on components will be shown during the presentation
- Topic Leader(s): Krzysztof Opasiak Sylvain Desbureaux
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sylvain Desbureaux
- Expected duration: 1h
- Slides:
View file name ONAP and Service Mesh v2.2.pptx height 150
ONAP - From Robot test to Daily CI
Short Description: How to integrate a robot test in ONAP CI chains
- Detailed Description: This presentation will detail how to integrate a robot tests to the CI. It will be illustrated with the examples of pnf-registrate, hvves or 5gbulkpm use cases integrated for Frankfurt release.
- Topic Leader(s): Morgan Richomme Krzysztof Kuzmicki Marcin Przybysz
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Morgan Richomme
- Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Integration Status update: what's planned internally
Short Description: Update on the internal plans for Integration project
- Detailed Description: This presentation will talk about the work Integration developpers wants to do for Guilin release
- Topic Leader(s): Morgan Richomme
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Morgan Richomme
- Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Windriver/Intel Lab status & future plan
Short Description: Update on the internal plans for Integration project
- Detailed Description: Windriver/Intel lab is a key asset of the ONAP community. This presentation aims to come back on the usage and the possible evolution of the lab.
- Topic Leader(s): Morgan Richomme Bin Yang Stephen Gooch
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Morgan Richomme
- Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Support xNF software upgrade with schema update
Short Description: Presentation of the concepts, rationale and plan for supporting xNF software upgrade at service level in ONAP
- Detailed Description: Detailed description of topic.
- Topic Leader(s): Zu Qiang Lukasz Rajewski Chris Rapposelli-Manzo Ajay Mahimkar
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Zu Qiang
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Lukasz Rajewski
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Zu Qiang
- Expected duration: 30/45 mins
ONAP - Orchestration of 5G CNFs using Multicloud K8s plugin
Short Description: Onboarding and deployment of 5G Core CNFs using Multicloud K8s plugin
- Detailed Description: Presentation on onboarding and deployment of 5G Core CNFs on OPenShift cluster using Multicloud K8s plugin
- Topic Leader(s): Sandeep Sharma
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Presentation: ONAP - 5GC CNF Onboarding ONAP Preso.pdf
ONAP - Documentation improvement plan for the Guilin release
Short Description: ONAP documentation restructuring and improvements
- Detailed Description: Presentation on plans to make the ONAP documentation more user friendly by the Guilin release
- Topic Leader(s): Amar Kapadia
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sriram Rupanagunta
- Expected duration: 20 min
- Presentation: ONAP - Documentation Usage Improvements.pdf
ONAP - Automating ONAP deployment using Ansible
Short Description: Automate ONAP deployment
- Detailed Description: Presentation on how to fully automate ONAP Deployment
- Topic Leader(s): Vivekanandan Muthukrishnan
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Vivekanandan Muthukrishnan
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Vivekanandan Muthukrishnan
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Vivekanandan Muthukrishnan
- Expected duration: 30 min
- Presentation: ONAP - Automating ONAP deployment using Ansible.pdf
ONAP - Release cadence transition proposal
Short Description: Continuation of discussion started in Prague on proposed changes to make ONAP release model more open source freindly
- Detailed Description: The smooth transition proposal from current release model will be discussed
- Topic Leader(s): Krzysztof Opasiak Chaker Al-Hakim Liam Fallon
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Krzysztof Opasiak
- Expected duration: 1h
ONAP - License compliance & how to deal with it?
Short Description: Proposal how to resolve our licence compliance issues in the G release
- Detailed Description: Proposal how to move forward with licence compliance based on discussion with Steve Winslow.
- Topic Leader(s): Krzysztof Opasiak
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): TBD
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Krzysztof Opasiak
- Expected duration: 30 min
ONAP - Adding CI/CD lab instance guide
Short Description: Overview of effort and resources required for adding CI/CD lab instance.
- Detailed Description: This session will cover the requirements and benefits of providing new CI/CD lab instance. Paweł will discuss how to continue efforts of current lab operators. The presentation will also include lessons learned and possible outcome of such a process. Slides: AddCICDLab.pdf
- Topic Leader(s): Paweł Wieczorek
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): (TBD)
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Paweł Wieczorek
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Paweł Wieczorek
- Expected duration: 30 mins
ONAP - Overview of k8splugin version 2
Short Description: Overview of k8splugin v2 architecture, API, use cases
- Detailed Description: The k8splugin v1 has been present in ONAP since Dublin. This session will provide an overview of the capabilities, architecture and APIs of version 2 API. Examples of how use cases such as vFW can take advantage of v2 will be shown.
- Topic Leader(s): Eric Multanen (Deactivated) Ritu Sood (Deactivated)
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): all
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Eric Multanen (Deactivated) Ritu Sood (Deactivated)
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Eric Multanen (Deactivated) Ritu Sood (Deactivated)
- Schedule:
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides: K8S_V2_API.pptx
- Recording
ONAP - Architecture Component Views in Readthedocs
Short Description: migration of architecture component views from Confluence to RTD
Detailed Description: Overview of a proposal to migrate the architecture component views from Confluence to RTD according to the agreed documentation strategy
Topic Leader(s): Ciaran Johnston, Tony Finnerty
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Presentation Material
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Sofia Wallin
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Sofia Wallin
Expected duration: 60 mins
Please include "OPNFV" or "CNTT" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering
Table of Contents | ||||||
CNTT - RC-2 Deep Dive
Short Description: This session will be an in depth working session for RC2.
Detailed Description: This session will be an in depth working session for RC2.
Topic Leader(s): Bill Mulligan, Tom Kivlin
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials: Cédric Ollivier presentation on xtesting
View file name vF2F June 2020-RC2.pptx height 250
CNTT - RI-2 Deep Dive
Short Description: Review and plan the RI2 implementation
Detailed Description: Let's review the current state of the RI2 implementation and plan the roadmap to the first release. A particular focus should be put on getting RI2 up and running in OPNFV labs including CI/CD.
Topic Leader(s): Georg Kunz, Rihab Banday, Michael Pedersen
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): <add your name here>
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): <add your name here>
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
Slides: RI-2_Deep_Dive.pptx
CNTT - Field Trial
Short Description: Status and Results thus far on the Field Trial
Detailed Description: This session will discuss the ongoing field trail on the "one" series work streams, upcoming ETSI Plugtest, and preparation for the "two" series workstreams
Topic Leader(s): Scot Steele, Nick Chase
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1/s hour
- Slides/Matrerials:
CNTT - OPNFV CNTT FMO Organization Model
Short Description: Discussion of how CNTT and OPNFV will work together in the short term and the future organizational structure and mode of operation.
Detailed Description: The two groups need to dive into how they will work together, which group is responsible for what part of the end to end process from Reference Model to Badging. Continuation of the FMO discussions on the future of CNTT and where and how it sits in the LFN organization.
Topic Leader(s): add your name here>
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration:1/2 hr
- Slides/Materials: CNTT_FMO Options to GB - Overview.pptx
CNTT - Edge Workstream Deep Dive
Short Description: Working session on adding Edge requirements and topics in CNTT docs
Detailed Description: This is a deep dive into what components are different for Edge and how to best incorporate them into the RM, RA, RC docs. Discussion of the need for a separate RC/RI? Collaboration with other Edge Groups.
Topic Leader(s): Beth Cohen, Ahmed Sawaf
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Beth Cohen, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials:CNTT_Edge_vF2F testdev v4.pptx
CNTT - Marketing, Adoption and Metrics (Is it cancelled? still waiting 15 min past the beginning)
Short Description: Working session about on-going activities for marketing the CNTT project
Detailed Description: Deep dive into what activities are working, what do we need to do different and how can CNTT recruit new members.
Topic Leader(s): Bob Monkman, Nick Chase
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Beth Cohen
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Beth Cohen
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Bob Monkman
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials:vF2F-MMA Agenda.pptx
CNTT - Next CNTT OpenStack Release
Short Description: Working session on the next CNTT OpenStack Release
Detailed Description: Report on the selection criteria and the new OpenStack release selection
Topic Leader(s): Cedric Ollivier (Orange), Ian Gardner (Vodafone), Johanna Heinonen (Nokia), Karine Sevilla (Orange), Pankaj Goyal (AT&T)
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Karine Sevilla (Orange)
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials: Next CNTT OpenStack Release
CNTT - Reference Model & Network Model
Short Description: Working session on the evolution of the CNTT Reference Model
Detailed Description: This is a deep dive session into the current activities around extensions of the CNTT Model and networking aspects within the CNTT context
Topic Leader(s): Walter Kozlowski (Telstra), Tomas Edberg (Ericsson)
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name3
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials: CNTT_Ref_Model vF2F Presentation final 2020 06 24.pptx
CNTT - Security and Testing for Security
Short Description: Working session on refining the Security details and their testing in CNTT RA-1 docs
Detailed Description: This is a deep dive session into the refining the Security chapter and adding details on how to validate the security requirements in CNTT RA-1
Topic Leader(s): Karine Sevilla (Orange)
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pankaj Goyal (AT&T)
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials: RA1 security June 2020.pdf
CNTT - Technical deep dives about traceability between RA1, CNTT RC and Functest
Short Description: Working session on the overall traceability from RA1 Chapters 2&5 to Functest
Detailed Description: This is a deep dive session from the requirements listed in RA1 Chapter 2 and detailed in Chapter 5 to the test case description/section in Functest
Topic Leader(s): Cédric Ollivier (Orange), Karine Sevilla (Orange), Pankaj.Goyal
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Karine Sevilla(Orange)
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Slides/Materials:
CNTT - Where performance is relevant to CNTT
Short Description: Make some decision about Performance and where it is relevant to CNTT work.
Detailed Description: This is technical session is aimed to develop a set of definitions and terms for what is meant by "performance" within the context of the RC-1 / RC-2 stream. Development of specific terms and meanings for what would be within the scope of performance type testing should help the community develop consensus for both the testing approaches and any metrics or requirements.
Topic Leader(s): Rabi Abdel Trevor Cooper
- Required(s): Former user (Deleted) bill.mulliganQiao Fu Cédric Ollivier Lincoln Lavoie Trevor Lovett Al Morton
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name3
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Scheduling: Prior to the session "OPNFV - Performance Testing: CNTT RC and OVP2.0 Performance Testing Requirements"
- Slides/Materials: https://wikilf-networking.lfnetworkingatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/LN/2020-06-23+LFN+Virtual+Developer+Meeting
- Minutes: Performance Testing Minutes
OPNFV - CIRV: Software (Installer Manifests, CRD, etc) Validation
Short Description: Automated Software (Installer Manifests, CRDs, etc) Validation against the requirements.
Detailed Description: This session presents the Software validation project under OPNFV-CIRV. In this session, the importance of this validation against the user requirements, is highlighted, followed by a demo and description of the roadmap.
Topic Leader(s): Sridhar K. N. Rao (Spirent), Parth Yadav, Ashwin Nayak
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Scheduled!
OPNFV - K8s: Multi-Interface Container Networking Benchmarking in VSPERF
Short Description: Container Networking Benchmarking considering Telco-Usecase of multiple dataplane-interfaces per pod.
Detailed Description: This session presents initial results of the Container networking benchmarking activity at OPNFV-VSPERF. This session presents and discuss the scenario, implementation and the results of the benchmarking. We consider Multus with Userspace CNI, SRIOV CNI with dpdk-based pods.
Topic Leader(s): Sridhar Rao , Federica Paganelli, Al Morton, others
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Scheduled!
OPNFV - Performance Testing: CNTT RC and OVP2.0 Performance Testing Requirements
Short Description: Evolution of OPNFV performance testing projects
Detailed Description: This session will be a discussion of CNTT and OVP 2.0 expectations from OPNFV wrt performance testing and how to get organized at the project level. How do we leverage active and possibly inactive performance related projects in OPNFV and what can we do to collaborate across projects and communities to achieve common objectives.
- Topic Leader(s): Trevor Cooper Al Morton
Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
Expected duration: 1 hour
- Scheduled!
OPNFV - OPNFV Release Process 2.0 JOINT with CNTT
Short Description: Presentation and discussion regarding OPNFV release process proposal
- Detailed Description: The release proposal seeks to
- Reconcile CNTT requirements with OPNFV
- Simplify and reduce the number of milestones
- Support OPNFV level requirements planning
- Improve release planning at the project level
- Improve accountability across all project types
- Enable project self releases independent of OPNFV cadence
- Increase community engagement in the release process
- (possible additions Al Morton : What artifacts does CNTT think the OPNFV is releasing? Does OPNFV's view of the artifacts released meet the needs of CNTT? )
- Topic Leader(s): David McBride
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Scheduled!
- Slides and materials: OPNFV Release Process 20200621.pdf
OPNFV - OPNFV Infrastructure Work Group Updates
Short Description: Infrastructure updates in OPNFV from LaaS, Releng, Pharos
- Detailed Description: Updating the wider community on changes to the OPNFV Infrastructure such as:
- OPNFV LF PDX Lab Migration
- CI/CD Transformation
- LaaS Updates and Roadmap
- Topic Leader(s): Trevor Bramwell , Former user (Deleted)
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Scheduled!
- Slides: OPNFV Infra-WG Update.pdf
Short Description: TSC Meets Tuesday, 1300 - 1400 UTC
- Detailed Description: Steering the OPNFV community on topics such as Elections, Project Reviews, OPNFV Infrastructure such as:
- Topic Leader(s): Al Morton Mark Beierl Jim Baker
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 60 mins
- Scheduled!
OPNFV - OPNFV Release Meeting
Short Description: Tuesday, 1400 - 1500 UTC
- Detailed Description: Steering the OPNFV community on the new Release process and milestones
- Topic Leader(s): David McBride Al Morton Mark Beierl
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 60 mins
- OBE (Joint meeting)
OPNFV - OPNFV Round-Robin Project Reviews
Short Description: OPNFV Projects 20 minute reviews of their latest achievements, plans, and opportunities
- Detailed Description: OPNFV Projects sign-up to be included in the review here:
- Topic Leader(s): Al Morton Mark Beierl
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: at least 60 mins
- Scheduled
OPNFV - Joint with CNTT: Industry Adoption of Conformance (all dimensions, including badging)
- Short Description: Discuss how OPNFV/CNTT work together to ensure the Conformance and badging process is commercially significant
- Long Description: The two communities co-develop a commercially significant Conformance process to improve the level of adoptability and acceptance in the industry, as well as Network Provider procurement and operations efficiency in all phases of Virtualized deployment.
- Questions/issues to be discussed/answered:
- What is the expected Commercial significance of CNTT/OPNFV for Conforming Infrastructure?
- What does CNTT need from OPNFV in the Conformance/Badging Context?
- What is CNTTs role in badging?
- Dovetail: Re-energize V1.0 or create Dovetail 2.0?
- Conformance testing workflow and expectations of OPNFV by CNTT
- OPNFV expects CNTT members to use OPNFV results in their individual activities going forward.
- What is the expected Commercial significance of CNTT/OPNFV for Conforming Infrastructure?
- Outcome: Agreement on an Organization statement of significance of OPNFV/CNTT Badging
- Outcome: Agreement on cross community roles in Conformance badging
OPNFV - OVP 2.0 Cloud Native Operator Panel
- Short Description: Moderated Panel on the Role and Importance of OVP 2.0
- Detailed Description: This is a moderated panel of telecom operators involved with OVP 2.0 (cloud native), the program responsible for guiding requirements and verifying infrastructure and cloud native functions to be harnessed in operators’ evolving plans. Panel participants will be guided in a discussion that covers:
- What is OVP 2.0, how will it help with adoption of cloud native network functions, how can it achieve simplification and standardization based on guiding principles?
- What are the benefits for operators who adopt cloud native technologies (Infrastructure and cloud native network functions), certified and verified through OVP 2.0?
- How does OVP 2.0 align with CNTT, other projects from Linux Foundation (e.g., CNCF), and industry initiatives?
- How do operators plan to use the program?
- Topic Leader(s): Marc Price (moderator), Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Brian Bearden (AT&T), Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Trevor Lovett
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Marc Price
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Marc Price
- Expected duration: 60 mins
- Scheduled!
CNTT - Baraque Release Plan
Short Description: Plan for Baraque in more details.
- Detailed Description: more details about what is coming up in Baraque (for each WS)
- Deoendeicies.
- Topic Leader(s): Rabi Abdel
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Slides/Materials: CNTT_vF2F_June_Rabi.pptx
CNTT - Usecases of SDN solution
Short Description: Overview of some use cases of SDN solution except for deployment and load balance.
- Detailed Description: This session will briefly introduce some use cases of SDN solution, such as BGPaaS, user routing and flow mirroring. The related northbound interfaces will be introduced altought the related research may be a long-term goal of CNTT.
- Topic Leader(s): Ying Li shasha guo
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Ying Li
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins/1 hour
- Slides/Materials:
CNTT - Cyborg Acceleration Management
Short Description: Introduce the management and interface of Cyborg, and analyze the content that CNTT needs to supply.
- Detailed Description: This session will briefly introduce Openstack Cyborg and API, analysis which part should be enhanced and why.
- Topic Leader(s): shasha guo
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): shasha guo Ying Li
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins/1 hour
- Slides/Materials:Cyborg Acceleration Management.pptx
OpenDaylight Topics
Please include "ODL" in your Topic Proposal Title to help with Table of Contents filtering
Table of Contents | ||||||
ODL transportPCE Magnesium Retrospective
Short Description: Retrospective on transportPCE Magnesium development phase
- Detailed Description: This retrospective will present a quick overview of TransportPCE new functionalities introduced in Magnesium. It will be followed by a status on the developments done and some feedbacks on the features introduced by OpenROADM and the community ( OpenROADM 6.1 and 7.0 specs, SpotBugs / checkstyle enforcement and doppelgangers, netconf notifications multiple sessions…,). A Q&A session is planned (feel free to send the topic leader some points you'd like to highlight so that they can be prepared on the support)
- Topic Leader(s): Guillaume Lambert
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL synchronization between OpenDaylight releases and LFN infra migrations
Short Description: Discussion about the impacts of LFN infra and tools migrations on the OpenDaylight development cycles.
- Detailed Description: This is an open discussion on how we can improve the LFN infra migration and ODL release cycles. Those migrations affect the overall efficiency of the community but not only. In 3 months, the ODL wiki changed it URL 3 times. The migrations were not at all synchronized with the release schedules and we have now 3 following releases that references a different URL for the wiki. Some of those URLs have become obsoleted after only a few days. Note there were other examples of unsynchronized migrations in the past such as the support of python 3.5 obsoleted after only 2 months during the Sodium SR2 release. This also results in unexpected referencing problems for potential new contributors (ODL contributors guidelines spread between LFN and OLD new / old wiki and docs + karaf URLs completely out-of-date ). Maybe it is time to rethink the global approach at the community level.
- Topic Leader(s): Guillaume Lambert Robert Varga
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule page:
- Minutes Page:
ODL BGPCEP Magnesium Retrospective and Roadmap for Aluminium - also a Plenary
Short Description: Retrospective on BGPCEP Magnesium development and Roadmap for Aluminium
- Detailed Description: This retrospective will present a quick overview of PCE new functionalities introduced in Magnesium. In particular the Graph model and Path Computation Algorithms that enable full support of RFC5440. It will be followed by a short demo of new features. Then, roadmap to upcoming features for Aluminium release will be presented.
- Topic Leader(s): Olivier Dugeon
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items):
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL Service Automation Framework (SAF) - also a Plenary
Short Description: An overview about SAF project and roadmap discussion
- Detailed Description: Service Automation Framework is a new project in OpenDaylight that leverages Workflow concepts to simplify Service provisoining This session with present an overview about SAF project and have discussion around roadmap items.
- Topic Leader(s): Prem Sankar G
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): Kanagasundaram K
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Prem Sankar G
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Prem Sankar G
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL Usability Review
Short Description: Review of ODL software architecture, problems and limitations for developing applications in the ODL platform, discuss possible solutions and way forward.
- Detailed Description: One of the OpenDaylight goals is to achieve broad industry acceptance and platform adoption. But to achieve this, we have to ask ourselves: 1) How simple, inexpensive and flexible is to use current ODL platform to create SDN applications? and 2) Is the current ODL architecture suitable and optimal for most of the SDN use cases? The answer to these and other questions will help us understand where we are today and what we can do to improve our project.
- Topic Leader(s): Luis Gomez Palacios
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
- Slides:
ODL Platform Aluminium updates and Silicon lookahead
Short Description: Update the platform changes delivered for Aluminium Simultanenous Release and provide a lookahead what might be in store for Silicon Simultaneous Release
- Detailed Description: As we are nearing the Aluminium Middle Checkpoint, this talk will provide details on what updates were delivered for this release. We will touch on what is slated for the next release, effectively doing some planning for Silicon.
- Topic Leader(s): Robert Varga
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
- Slides: Al-Si-jun2020.odp
ODL Micro Status and Next Steps
Short Description: Review status of ODL Micro and next steps.
- Detailed Description: We review the requirements that arise from moving ODL applications to a scale out model in a pure micro-service approach and how we can achieve that in a staged manner.
- Topic Leader(s): Tejas Nevrekar
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL BGPCEP Reliability & Scale
Short Description: A customer driven perspective on reliability of the BGP PCEP plugins and related improvements.
- Detailed Description: We review the BGP and PCEP plugins from the perspective of issues seen at customer sites at scale and use that as a reason to deep dive and evaluate alternate solutions for some of the implementation for better reliability and scale.
- Topic Leader(s): Deepthi V V Tejas Nevrekar
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): name1
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): You can appoint an alternate host, but we recommend that the Moderator and the Host be the same person.
- Expected duration: 30 mins
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL Platform API Changes and impact to downstream consumers
Short Description:
- Detailed Description: Discussion on how to handle Platform API changes which require significant changes in the dependent projects as well as outside consumers. Key question to address is what would be the process for dependent projects to have a say whether the changes are necessary before the changes have gone into effect.
- Topic Leader(s): Jeff HartleyRobert Varga
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Abhijit K
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Abhijit K
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
ODL Project Status
Short Description: Review of status of different projects inside ODL
- Detailed Description:
- Topic Leader(s): Abhijit K Daniel De La RosaJamO Luhrsen Luis Gomez PalaciosRobert Varga
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): name1, name2
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Abhijit K
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Abhijit K
- Expected duration: 1 hour & 30 minutes
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
Tungsten Fabric Topics
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TF Future Planning & Roadmap
Short Description: TF Future Planning & Roadmap
- Detailed Description: Discussion to identify any outstanding roadblocks to growing the community.
- Topic Leader(s): Casey Cain
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Casey Cain
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
TF integration with ONAP - also Plenary
Short Description: Tungsten Fabric integration with ONAP
- Detailed Description: Discussion on the integration architecture and the work needed to get the integration done
- Topic Leader(s): Prabhjot Singh Sethi TBA from ONAP community
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Casey Cain
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
Move Upstream DPDK for TF
Short Description: Upstream DPDK
- Detailed Description: discussion on upstream work done so far and roadmap for induction of dpdk features
- Topic Leader(s): Prabhjot Singh Sethi Herakliusz Lipiec
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Casey Cain
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 30 minutes
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
TF Release Planning
Short Description: Tungsten Fabric release planning
- Detailed Description: Discussion to revise and update the TF Release Plan
- Topic Leader(s): Marek Chwal Casey Cain
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time): Casey Cain
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
Making TF Cloud Native
Short Description: Lets discuss and come up with plan to make TF fully cloud native
- Detailed Description: We will cover several short term and long term initiatives to make TF cloud native, such as CRDfication, Operator Framework, TF Mesh (service mesh), etc.
- Topic Leader(s): Prasad Miriyala, Sukhdev Kapur
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 1 hour
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
TF vRouter Performance Improvements
Short Description: Performance enhancement of TF DPDK vRouter using Intel Dynamic Device Personalization technology
- Detailed Description: Here we present how we have used Intel DDP technology to increase the performance of DPDK vRouter on Fortville NIC cards.
- Topic Leader(s): Kiran KN Przemyslaw Grygiel
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items): TBA
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 30 minutes
- Schedule:
- Minutes:
TF OpenStack with Multiple Kubernetes Cluster
Short Description: OpenStack and multiple K8S clusters (non-nested mode) managed by single TF controller with RBAC
- Detailed Description: In this talk, we present the use-case for OpenStack with multiple K8S cluster (non-nested mode) and describe the deployment details.
- Topic Leader(s): Sachchidanand Vaidya Yuvaraja Mariappan
- Scribe (Capture important commentary and record action items):
- Moderator (Monitor Chat, organize questions, manage time):
- Host (Manage/Control Bridge functions): Casey Cain
- Expected duration: 30 minutes
- Schedule:
- Minutes: Topics
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PNDA Topics
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