- Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T)
- Pankaj.Goyal(AT&T)
- Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
- Ahmed El Sawaf (stc)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
- Parth yadav
Agenda and Minutes
- Anti-Trust Policies
- Walk-on Items
- LFN conference will be held on October 13 - 15, topics to be collected, link will be included in the Minutes 2020 October Virtual Technical Event
- RA2 Kubernetes Usage in Telecommunications Survey bill.mulligan
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Open until
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS
- Open until
- Readthedocs (Gergely Csatari )
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - First Build !
Screenshot of proposal for cleaning up headings to make readthedocs easier to read
- Next steps:
- Merge the pr ( Scott Steinbrueck
Status colour Green title COMPLETE - Start to publish the master in readthedocs
Status colour Green title COMPLETE - Connect the CNTT repo to readthedocs
Status colour Green title COMPLETE - Move the sphinx extensions out to the cntt-n ( org with Apache 2.0 License
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Cherry pick the needed changes to the stable/baldy branch
- Cédric Ollivier releast mgmt - coordinate Cherry Pick with Gergely Csatari readthedocs, wait a few weeks
- Cédric Ollivier releast mgmt - coordinate Cherry Pick with Gergely Csatari readthedocs, wait a few weeks
- Start to publish stable/baldy on readthedocs
- Merge the pr ( Scott Steinbrueck
- OPNFV Release meeting
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Weekly Tue - 1400 UTC, Host David McBride
- Request for TSC Lead and WSLs to join
- Join Zoom Meeting
- Scott Steinbrueck to add in
Status colour Green title COMPLETE
- "Meld Zone" participation Scot Steele
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Attendance requested by TSC Chair and WSLs (all attendance is appreciated) – contact Scot Steele
- Main committee and working teams
- Working on charter, timelines
- Wiki link Meld Zone
- Attendance requested by TSC Chair and WSLs (all attendance is appreciated) – contact Scot Steele
- GSMA Task ForceWalter.kozlowski
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - OITF = Open Infrastructure Task Force
- Created by GSMA, kicked off in the past few months
- Purpose is to help maintain RM in the context of GSMA
- Will be discussed at RM meeting on
- Mid-Late September is the target for handover of RM docs to GSMA
- Contents will remain in CNTT (no intent to move content)
- This is a release/version alignment between LFN/CNTT and GSMA for publishing purpose
- Benefit: Oct 2020 - GMSA Network Plenary mtg, attended by 100-200 people; opportunity to discuss and bring visibility to RM.
- LFN Webinar by Walter and Tomas "Evolution of the Cloud Infrastructure Reference Model and its applications", Thursday 20 August at 3pm UTC
Status colour Green title COMPLETE - 96 registered, about 50% attended (fairly normal)
- Recording link for registered participants:
- Slides:
View file name LFN Webinar CNNT RM 2020 08 20.pptxheight 250
- Kickoff meeting on for registered members
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Please register at
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS
- ( MMA / Scot Steele )
Status colour Yellow title IN PROGRESS - Packet is already working with CNCF,
- Packet is interested in collaborating with CNTT; Scot's proposal is to coordinate a mtg with WSL's and Packet to explore further
- Consider bringing Packet to TSC Meeting at a future meeting ~ September
- Jim Baker says to consider LFN-budget implications, consolidated view (to be discussed in the upcoming "Transition" series)
- OPNFV Release meeting
- Technical Steering Topics
- Release Status
- TSC outstanding issues
- Issue #1842 "[TSC] Create common CI/CD for workloads" (containers)
- In progress, pending previous survey closure
- Maybe a Survey
- Consider – is this about the format of package (eg, helm charts), the automated transport of packages (ci/cd) from suppliers to operators (what about when there are multiple suppliers to one operator; what about consistency for suppliers to offer a single package to multiple operator ecosystems)
- Consider open-source projects to help align
- In progress, pending previous survey closure
- Issue #1874"[Tech Steering] To what level do we go to ensure 'consistency'"
- Open for comment
- Issue #1842 "[TSC] Create common CI/CD for workloads" (containers)
- Updates from WSL's (critical Github or other issues / inform as needed)
- Updates shown below
- No issues raised
- RM, Edge
- 1-stream: RA-1, RI-1, RC-1
- 2-stream: RA-2, RI-2, RC-2
- Updates shown below
- Updates from Officers Items
- Updates shown below
- No issues raised
- Chief Technical Editor
- ONAP Technical Coordinator
- OPNFV Technical Coordinator
- CNCF Technical Coordinator
- CVC Technical Coordinator
- Automation and Tooling
- ONF: Open Networking Foundation
- Updates shown below
Attendance Screenshot
12:45 UTC
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