TSC Meeting Zoom link
Meeting Recording:
Meeting Chat File:
Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.
LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi
Meeting note taker
Welcome to new attendees
- Weekly TSC Meeting Day and Time Change
- R2 Release Management (Dhivya)
- LFN Governing Board Meeting May 17- Project Updates
- L3AF deployment and integration with UPF
- LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 - Call for Topic Submissions
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- Walmart Open Sourced Traffic Mirroring - Blog
General Topics (cover as needed)
Use Cases
Project structure
Technical Steering Committee
- Weekly TSC Meeting Day and Time Change
- Proposed new day and time: Tuesdays at 9am to 10am PST or Tuesdays at 9:30am to 10:30am PST, starting Tuesday May 2.
- Chat vote
- Discussed, still working on resolving conflicts.
- R2 Release Management (Dhivya)
- LFN Governing Board Meeting May 17
- Project Update
- L3AF deployment and integration with UPF
- https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7058818200121004032?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
- Opportunities:
- D&TF topic
- Blog - can L3AF community and NgKore provide quotes?
- LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 2023 - Call for Topic Submissions - June 6-8, 2023. Virtual event
- Potential Topics:
- R1 Overview and Demo (includes traffic mirroring)
- L3AF deployment and integration with UPF
- Roadmap: R2, R2.1, L3AF on Windows
- Potential Topics:
- Issue discussion/Dev updates
- L3AF R2
- L3AFD v2.1
- L3AF on Windows
- Walmart Open Sourced Traffic Mirroring - Blog
- Status?
- Any Other Business
Action Items
- Dhivya R Release Management Plan- add milestoners for testing, documentation, package. What else is needed from a delivery standpoint?
- Daniel Havey coordinate Traffic Monitoring Blog with LFN Marketing
Future Agenda Items
- Signing of eBPF Programs (Karan)