Agenda Bashing (5 minutes)
Marketing Outreach Exec Interview Status (10 Minutes)
- Team working on seeking interviews with Mirantis, Nokia, Ericsson, Vodafone, Telstra, Red Hat
- VMWare: Reached to Jambi Ganber to invite him to this meeting and socialize Trials subject as well.
- Red Hat, Nokia, Ericsson and Telstra still pending
Marketing Event/Collateral Discussion (15 Minutes)
- White paper- Nick, Bob will have a kickoff meeting with Intel contract writer resource on Wednesday 25Mar 1pm PDT
- ETSI PlugFest update- A note was sent out for participants to update their FUT and so their planning is still underway (Will this happen as a 100% remote Plugfest like OSM recently was held?)
- Interesting set of VNF vendors and other Stakeholders have apparently been following the planning meetings. Anyone registered for meetings can get the emails and access to the planning site.
- Need to start planning Baldy Press Release- Open Discussion to kick this off.
- Need to plan agenda for April Virtual MMA Working Session- Open Discussion.
- Pre-Launch Trials: sub-group needed to work on quantitative and qualitative assessment
- We need to make progress on identifying Pre-launch Trials participants for NFVI and VNFs
- Need some Questions to ask for feasibility or CNTT methods (e.g. cookbook) so the product of badging being offered is sufficiently supported by the industry “a lifecycle feedback loop” between CNTT and OPNFV to adopt RA1, RA2. A sub-group call will create questions speedwyre working on this.
- For Dev Analytics, we need to map IDs to Analytics site. Scot Steele reaching out to Jim Baker on this.
- LFN Dev Analytics site - starting basic mapping work (Multiple user IDs to LFN ID)
- Thales is exploring participating and has been sent the new Welcome Letter.
Action Items capture is now included below.
Meeting Notes
Open Action Items:
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Meeting invite will be reconstituted to peg to UTC. Bob will also check to ensure that the wiki specifies UTC for these meetings.
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) to set up assessment of Exec Interview results. Let's triage the responses we have already and get the key takeaways. speedwyre Bob Monkman (Deactivated) and Nick Chase Scot Steele
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) will meet with Nick Chase re: the whitepaper; Scheduled
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) will review the ETSI Plugest Planning committee minutes. Update provided above that planning continues with many participants pending test plans.
- Bob Monkman (Deactivated) will review chapter 9 (Trials Outline) and send a note to potential participants to enable them to look at meat and details regarding the guidance CNTT is giving.
- Beth Cohen will archive BT welcome letter as an archive on the MMA wiki "artifacts" page (to be created). Existing material such as decks can still be added.