- Definition of Consensus
- Structure of Consensus Building in Communities
- 5 steps making community decisions without consensus
- Disagree and Commit Definition
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Options proposals 15 min
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen Walter.kozlowski and Nick Chase
- Status/Update
- CNTT Merges with OPNFV
- Ildiko , Qiao Fu and Cédric Ollivier Will develop the proposal
- 1St meeting 7/24 week
- CNTT as an LFN Committee (Similar to CVC and EUAG)
- Beth Cohen and Nick Chase are developing the Proposal Presentation
- 1St Meeting scheduled for 7/28
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Discuss/Define timelines for proposal reviews 45Min
- Concerns for August LFN GB Meeting
- Orange Issues