To add topics there are 2 steps:

  1. Add your topic to the table below
  2. Add the presentation of your topic to the schedule

Failure to perform BOTH steps may results in no presentation in Kista.

PresenterSession TitleSession TypeShort DescriptionPrimary Audience
Use @ Macro 

demo / preso,
working session,
team mtg,

LFN Project name(s)

Ye Olde Example Entry

workshopIn this workshop different techniques for surviving the zombie apocalypse will be discussed.ONAP & OPNFV

Ignacio Más, 

Senior Expert head of technology innovation in OSS

Opening remarks Ericsson

Former user (Deleted) Heather Kirksey Bin Hu

Opening remarks LF + TSC Chairs

Kenny Paul

Event Logistics

Haibin Huang

The automation deployment of vCPE of TOSCA with HPA 

workshop & demoIntroduce how to automate deploy vCPE of TOSCA with HPA use case. ONAP

A proposal about single O&M platform for heterogeneous cloud

presentation & discussion

For operators, creating a heterogeneous cloud including vm, container & bare metal, which can meet ICT service requirements and provide network functions, would be a goal for edge.   

In this session, an idea about unified LCM and O&M for heterogeneous clouds on the edge will be discussed.

Weichen Ni

Key research and technology related to C-RAN/O-RAN network

discussionDiscuss about the relative research and technology on C-RAN/O-RAN network including virtualized RAN with white box pico-station, potential MEC scenario with virtualized RAN, Radio Intelligent Controller with virtualized RAN. OPNFV & O-RAN

Kubernetes based cloud region support to deploy all kinds of deployments - VNFs, CNFs, IT application micro-services

Presentation and DiscussionPresent the work done as part of ONAP R4 & OPNFV OVN4NFV project and propose new features in ONAP R6 and OPNFV such as :  Multi-Cluster scheduler to schedule applications across multiple sites, Matching engine to identify sites with edge labeling and K8s operator support etc...   Also, will present some use cases and expectations on how they need to get deployed and how ONAP R6 work takes care of these deploymentsONAP & OPNFV

Container infrastructure for CNFs

Presentation + DiscussionPresent current Samsung experiences with CNF infrastructure (outside of ONAP) and discuss how it applies to and can be leveraged in ONAP solution.ONAP & OPNFV
@ Yi Yang

Opendaylight scalability issues in super scale data center

Presentation + DiscussionIn industries, many commercial SDN products have been rolled out based on Opendaylight, but Opendaylight community release is not ready to enter super scale data center which has 1000+ servers, reliability, horizontal scalability and performance are fundamental requirements, this presentation will point out current scalability issues and possible solutions and propose some effort directions in the future ODL development, also encourage PTLs can participate in discussion and elaborate scalability issues in every project and propose some good solutions. Cloud data center is a critical area Opendaylight must take care of if we want to keep Opendaylight successful continuously.



shasha guo

Experience Sharing of Hardware acceleraion in China Mobile

Presentation + DiscussionPresent the work done about hardware acceleration In China Mobile, such as the the OVS offloading test, Also will present some focus about future research.OPNFV & ONAP
shasha guo

OPNFV Rocket project in dataplane acceleration

Presentation + DiscussionPresent the desigh thought of common API for hardware acceleration in dataplane. Discuss about th GTP offloading requirement and procedure of VNF, the common API may be use in this prcedure.OPNFV&Edge

All you need to know about the building block workflows in Service Orchestrator.

Presentation + DiscussionThis discussion / presentation will give insights to understand the concepts and implementation details behid the SO building blocks, the idea is to make it as simple as possible for someone new to ONAP able to appreciate and use the existing building blocks and futher build / enhance their own on the top.ONAP

ONAP Documentation 

Work session

Short term and long term improvements. Followup on ongoing activities. El Alto planning. 

API Documentation Eric Debeau : lessons learnt from existing Documentation. Proposal to verify API compliancy and to use another visualistaion tool for API documentation 

Security and Documentation Eric Debeau , Natacha Mach , Pawel Pawlak : How to better document the various ONAP components and their open ports.

Archi and Documentation Stephen terrill : how to join efforts for a better documentation. Architecture project started to describe functional view of various ONAP components. How can we ruse it for official documentation ?

End to End Documentation Andreas Geißler Thomas Kulik Eric Debeau : How to better describe how to use ONAP

Structure of  Documentation Andreas Geißler Thomas Kulik : Proposal for discussion (see here; please download and open in browser)

Review of documentation milestones & documentation release process Jim Sofia Wallin


Sweetcomb: Unified Management Interface and Integration

Presentation + Discussion

Sweetcomb is an open source project, to provide an unified management interface to configure and telemetry Appliances, VNFs and CNFs.

It can be leveraged in Edge Networking and Cloud, such as SD-WAN, 5G, IoT, etc.

There are 12 industry founders, including Intel, Cisco, Pantheon Technologies,  Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba, China Mobile etc.

It has published two official releases so far.

The architecture and the implementation of the ONAP Policy Framework was substantially upgraded in the ONAP Dublin release. In this talk, we present the evolved ONAP Policy Framework discussing the most important improvements, and describing the evolved architecture of the Policy Framework. We highlight the power of TOSCA Policy Types and how they can be used to build translation applications.

This session will introduce Sweetcomb project and cover key elements:

1) Provides gNMI interface and OpenConfig Yang models for Cloud.

2) Provides NETCONF & RESTCONF interfaces and IETF Yang models for Telecom.

3) Can Support different Data Planes, such as VPP, DPDK, Linux Kernel and OVS.

4) Can integrate with SDN Controllers and Orchestration, such as ONAP, K8s, ODL and ONOS, etc.

5) Supports High Availability and real-time streaming telemetry in Containers., OpenDaylight, ONAP,



Release process improvements

preso and discussion

Two main topics:

  1. El Alto milestones and release plan
  2. Frankfurt milestones and release plan


 Modeling Subcommitee

 team mtg Modeling subcommitee weekly meeting modeling subcommittee

The ONAP Policy Framework Enhancements

Presentation + DiscussionThe architecture and the implementation of the ONAP Policy Framework was substantially upgraded in the ONAP Dublin release. In this talk, we present the evolved ONAP Policy Framework discussing the most important improvements, and describing the evolved architecture of the Policy Framework. We highlight the power of TOSCA Policy Types and how they can be used to build translation applications.ONAP
Anyone who uses or may use the Policy Framework

Ram Krishna Verma

& "The Policy Team"

Showing the capabilities of New Policy Components in an oom installation of ONAP


Present the new components of Policy Framework using an OOM deployment of ONAP.

Go through each of them one by one explaining the deployment structure.

And then finally showing a demo of creating & deploying policy in a pdp engine using the new architecture.


Anyone who uses or may use the Policy Framework

Zu Qiang

PNF software upgrade

Presentation + DiscussionSupport PNF in-place software upgrade in ONAP FrankfurtONAP

Gervais-Martial Ngueko

Control Loop Sub Committee

Control Loop Frankfurt Planning


Presentation of each of the functional requirements being proposed for Frankfurt releases.

5-15 minutes per functional requirement.


Gervais-Martial Ngueko

Control Loop Sub Committee

Control Loop functional requirements Deep Dive

Working SessionONAP

5G Provisioning management service to NRM

Presentation + DiscussionBased on the current CDS mechanism, present the support of provisioning management service, especially for 5G RAN NRM.ONAP

Samuli Kuusela , Security Sub-Committee

Review of ONAP Security Requirements

Working session

Everyone is welcome to join! And give written comments in Jira, see link below.

This is continuation of review of the ONAP Security requirements. We use Jira tickets for conducting the reviews: As of May 16, requirements up to & including Jira ticket SECCOM-164 have been reviewed.


ETSI SOL003 Adapter Plugin support for SVNFM and Enhancement

Presentation + Discussion

Presentation of ETSI SOL003 Adapter Plugin support for SVNFM and adapter enhancement roadmap for El Alto and Frankfurt

  • Architecture and Features
  • Technical debt
  • Refactoring for Frankfurt
  • Futuristic thoughts around the SOL003 adapter and its possible placement in the ONAP deployment (Food for thought)
    • Possible placement options
    • Package Management based on SOL005 and SOL003
    • ETS Catalog DB support for NS, VNF and PNF

@Michael Morris,

@Gareth Roper

Demo of VNFM Adapter and SO-Monitoring

  • Demo of Dublin VNFM Adapter from SDC to VNF
  • Demo of SO-Monitoring with VNFM work as an example

ONAP Offline installer

Presentation + Discussion


  • architecture
  • procedure

What has change since last DDF meeting

  • introducing Integration tests
  • Ansible installer for Cassablanca

Future plans for El-Alto and beyond

  • establish community CI offline builds (including automated offline platform build)
  • align offline installer with community life cycle
  • challenges,  concerns 

Offline installer in Read the Docs: link



Presentation +


ONAP has identified a new ccordinator role to better interact with CNCF

Presentation of potential CNCF components that could be used for ONAP and potential impacts on ONAP architecture.

Discussion about CNF testbed and how we can re-use it

David McBride


Team MeetingRegular meeting of the OPNFV TSCOPNFV
Alla.Goldner Atul Purohit

ONAP Usecasesub and EUAG joint workshop

presentation + discussionwe will discuss SP priorities as brought to EUAG and requirements coming from ONAP member companies to set priorities and scope for Frankfurt ReleaseONAP

Experience Sharing of Trustworthiness Improvement In ONAP Development

Presentation + discussionIntroduction Huawei open source team's effort in assuring code and docker security by apdoting open source tools in development, such as coverity and anchore.



ONAP Operations Manager Enhancements 

Presentation and DemoOOM Enhancements for El Alto and Frankfurt releases. Includes demo of ONAP Operations Manager Dashboard.ONAP
Ramki Krishnan , Srinivasa Addepalli , Mike Elliott , Vijay Kumar

Edge Automation WG

Presentation + Discussion

Community Updates

  • Akraino Collaboration - SD-WAN Blueprints etc.

Progress on

  • Plans for Frankfurt Releases
  • Related presentations; OOM Enhancements (Mike Elliott), K8S Cloud Region  Support

VNF Application Configuration in ONAP

Presentation + discussionHow ONAP is going to handle VNF Application Configuration? As ONAP is already introducing SOL003 and SOL005, it is worth introducing SOL002 as well. I will present work that Samsung has done as part of the internal demo + discussion about the future of Application LCM interfaces in ONAP.ONAP

ONAP El-Alto Prioritization


This session is dedicated to review the ONAP requirements backlog foreseen for El-Alto.

Feel free to fill in pro-actively the following wiki page:


What should be the ONAP TSC Priorities for the next 6 months?


This session is dedicated to identify what would be the top 3 priorities of the TSC in order to support the ONAP Community, to improve any process/toolchain gaps and to build an execution plan accordingly.

Feel free to create new TSC tasks in JIRA under "ONAP TSC" project


FlexRAN Onboarding to ONAP

Presentation + DemoVirtual Radio Area Network (vRAN) is a critical piece for upcoming 5G networks. In this demo, we will show you how to build the FlexRAN (an open source vRAN approximation VNF from Intel), onboard it onto ONAP and then deploy it onto OpenStack. Once the service is deployed, the FlexRAN service performs basic operations in a simulated environment.ONAP

Liam Fallon merely submitted session proposal

Developer Unconference

UnconferenceThis session gives developers an opportunity to discuss the strengths, weaknesses, areas that can be improved, and areas that threaten project failures. The focus here is on developer issues such as but not limited to languages, coding, processes, tools, methods, project structures. The result of this session could be a report for the steering committee of projects.

One suggestion would be to run this session using a technique such as SWOT analysis but that's only one suggestion. The format of the session and the reporting done from the session is at the discretion of the participants on the day.
Any Project

AAI Data Model / Visualization Tools / Graph Traversals

Presentation and demoWe will look at the AAI data model and some of the visualization tooling that is being developed around it.  We'll look at AAI custom queries that allow for easy traversals of the graph database, and touch on new features for even more flexible traversals slated for future releases.ONAP

OPNFV XCI Past, Present, Future


In this session, we will present what XCI is, how it was started, what it achieved, and where it is going. We will also have a discussion around XCI in LFN context and address any questions community members have.


ONAP TSC Meeting

Yehui Wang

Experiences in switching to Alpine Linux and upgrading to Java 11

Presentation + discussion

This session would cover two experiences sharing topics, that is gathered in working at Policy Framework but can be applied anywhere:

  1. Switching docker base image from ubuntu to apline, that would reduce footprint signicantly . 
  2. Investigation result about upgrade Java 11 from Java 8, that is tricker than most upgrades. We have to face some challenges, like:
    some modules were removed or deprecated, we need to find the replacements; IDEs, plugins and tools also need to be updated; some new features are introduced, etc.

Meanwhile it would be also great to listen to your opinions.

Davide Cherubini

ONAP Platform with network security as an application

Presentation + discussionLooking into security of the managed environment, this could be represented as a 3rd party application using ONAP.  The questions to explore are: how does a 3rd party application use ONAP? What are the options and approaches?

SO Multicloud Plugin adapter usage and plans

Presentation + discussion

Demonstrate use of the SO multicloud plugin adapter to instantantiate workloads via Multicloud – showing how HPA policies can be utilized and also deployment to Kubernetes cloud regions.  Discuss API, feature/functionality work items, integration, etc.

@Chengli Wang

Experiences in customized NFV Orchestrator with ONAP

Presentation + Demo

Sharing the experiences in developing CMCC NFV Orchestrator with ONAP,  some concerns/improvements/requirements about projects of ONAP

Demonstrate CMCC NFV Orchestrator, including package management, life cycle management. etc.


Chuanyu Chen

ONAP Orchestrated SD-WAN & Edge

Presentation +Demo

Sharing the demo of using ONAP to orchestrate SD-WAN and Edge. Will cover the following topics:

1.Share the scenario of SD-WAN & Edge

2.How we model it in ONAP SDC.

3.Closed loop;Band width on demand.



Running ONAP on Public Cloud

DemoDemonstrate the steps to create a running ONAP instance on Huawei Public Cloud.ONAP

Yan Yang

OpenLab Subcommittee 

OpenLab El Alto/Frankfurt Planning

Working session

Open Lab Subcommittee meeting

1. Lab update  - invite lab owner to introduce the lab latest status

2. Disscuss how to better utilize lab resources and oversight lab utilization

3. OpenLab E/F work planing


Unified Parser/Catalog in ONAP


1.Introduce the implemented tosca parser microservice 

2. The E/F work planing

3. Requirements Collection


VF-C Dublin Highlights and Commercial Application


1.Introduce the VF-C work in Dublin

2.The VF-C commercial application from different vendor

3. The VF-C Requirements collection and discussion in E/F 


Thinking of PNF Software Upgrade Using Ansible

Presentation+discussionPresent the work done about PNF software upgrade using Ansible, and propose the enhancement roadmap for El Alto, such as:
1. SO workflow
2. Query and update A&AI
3. Northbound API
4. Ansible management API
5. etc.

Intelligent Automation with ONAP


This session is dedicated to solicitation and planning for network intelligence collaboration proposals with ONAP community.

If you are interested in submit a proposal, feel free to add it to the list here.


5G Slicing Mgmt with ONAP

Presentation+discussionThis is a discussion session intended to host a dedicated discussion on implementation options on how to enable end-to-end 5G slicing as part of ONAP automated service provisioning/operation.  Gaps in contexts of different options will be discussed for corresponding planning. 

OOMP CD Gating Feedbacks


ONAP OOM Gating has been using Orange OpenLab platform for any new OOM patch. More than 500 ONAP deployments launched to validate OOM modification.

Lessons learnt and how to extend this process to other projects.

 Stephen terrill

Archecture brainstorm on Modularization

 Presentation and DiscussionDuring the dublin release, there were steps taken towards modularization.  This is to have a brainstorm to identify possible next steps ONAP Architecture

 ONAP Architecture Priorities for Release F

 Discussion A discussion to recieve input from the community about Architecture Topics to be prioritized heading for Release F (and beyond). ONAP Architecture

Improve ONAP tests and  remove specific use-cases artifacts from ONAP components code


Improve ONAP tests and verify that every pod is using in one or more end-to-end use-case or test cases.

Improve use-case documentation to explain the list of components used per use-case (by use-case owner)

Detail for each use-case the list of pods involved for every use-case (by PTL)

Remove use-case code/artifcats from the ONAP components code and create dedicated repos for the use-case gathering all the artifacts to be used for a use-case


ONAP Versionining

Presentation+discussionImprove ONAP versioning processONAP

Heat and TOSCA VNF validation program

Presentation and discussion

Finalize the integration and work plan on the CVC (compliance and verification community) minimum viable product (MVP) for VNF Validation (life-cycle) program.  This program will award a badge to VNF products (HEAT or TOSCA) meeting the programs test case / success requirements. Form this meeting, there needs to be secure commitments for resources, firm understand the timeline and milestones. Engage ONAP TestSuite/integration,  VVP, and VNFSDK teams in this process.  

VNF Validation Minimum Viable Product


ONAP TOSCA VNF Compliance and Validation MVP Requirements

 Working Session Work out release E/F TOSCA VNF Compliance and Validation requirements, including VNF package format and VNF test cases. If  you have proposals, please upload & OPNFV
Paweł Wieczorek

ONAP pentest summary

Presentation + DiscussionSummary of ONAP code base pentest. Sharing lessons learnt and discussing approaches for vulnerability prevention.ONAP
Paweł Wieczorek

Kubernetes security guidelines automated validation

Presentation + DiscussionNo Kubernetes cluster should stay vulnerable. Easiest way of ensuring that is to use an automated assessment tool. Session will cover current approaches for this task as well as gather ONAP requirements for such utility.ONAP
Paweł Wieczorek

Online runtime dependency removal proposal

DiscussionNot all ONAP container images keep the binary content idempotent. In several cases additional runtime dependencies are downloaded after container starts. Consequences and possible solutions will be discussed during this session.ONAP

ONAP + Service Mesh

Presentation + Discussion

This session would introduce how to utilize service mesh to enable visibility of ONAP services.

Discussion: what service mesh can do to help on ONAP and how to better use service mesh in ONAP.


ONAP El Alto Security SoW proposal

Presentation + Discussion

The goal of this session is to present ONAP SECCOM Scope of Work proposal and discuss with stakeholders feasibility, time line and responsibilities for:

  • relevant updates - version management (Kubernets, Docker, Python, Ubuntu, Alpine, Java etc.)
  • known vulnerabilities - repositories updates

Vulnerability Management process review

Presentation + DiscussionThis session would provide better understanding of documented process and sharing with the LFN community lessons learned.

CII Badging - best practices of best practices

Presentation + DiscussionReview of the process with special focus on the achievements and pending points in the context of ONAP.


Working SessionReview with the participants SECCOM backlog, summary of recent achievements and pending actions.

Paul-Ionut Vaduva

@Cristina Pauna

Using dockherhub's public registry for CI/CD builds - An ONAP use-case

Presentation + 


A new proposal to use dockerhub's own docker registry for storing the Ci/CD/daily docker images builds as opposed to other implementations. Discussions around reliability, outreach of the registry, speed of new feature adoptions (like multi-architecture support) and daily performance.

The presentation will have three parts:

  1. A brief introduction to dockerhub.
  2. How dockerhub is used on LF projects CI/CD pipelines
  3. ONAP use-case. How dockerhub public registry can benefit ONAP CI/CD build pipeline, what are the challenges, what are the tech teams requirements, proposed migration plan, and stakeholders, expressed and addressed concerns so far

After the presentation wie would like to initiate Q/A and expression of other concerns not addressed so far, to be addressed or to be made known to us so we can addressed them in subsequent refinements of this proposal.

Dan Timoney

Extending CCSDK : adding a new plugin

Presentation + DemoThis session will walk developers through an example of extending the ONAP CCSDK library by adding a new plugin.  We will cover:
  • Where to add the code in Gerrit
  • What else needs to be updated in order to make the new plugin available in the controller container
  • How to test the change locally

Network Management community coordination

Presentation + Discussion

Presentation of proposed WoW

Soliciting ideas and discussing plans for coordination with 3GPP SA5, ETSI NFV, ETSI ZSM, IETF, BBF, MEF, TMF in the area of network management.


 Architecture Items for Release E

 Discussion Colect any issues for Architecture Release E to be considered.  ONAP Architectrue

Lab as a Service Proposal and Discussion

Presentation + Discussion

We will have a short presentation on what Lab as a Service is, where we are today, and how we plan to proceed. We want to have time to discuss the LaaS project proposal with the community and answer any questions.

The LaaS team is not able to attend, so this will have to be a remote session.


Robot Testing Enhancements in Dublin and Plans for El Alto

Presentation + DiscussionA presentation of enhancements in testsuite/robot done in Dublin in dealing with dynamic service mapping, dynamic preload and new tags added to for deployment validation. A discussion of the migration from python 2.7 to python 3.0 that has already started in the master branch for El Alto and discussion of other enhancements and changes in robot in El AltoTestsuite

Certificate management and Secure Storage discussion


With the introduction of mTLS for the Dublin release, there have been troubles with proper certificate handling with external CA support and secure storage. As a result, some ONAP projects ended up using self-signed certificates insecurely.
A centralized solution for secure storage and KMS that ONAP projects easily can integrate with is important for future release. 

It would be good for the community to get clear guidelines from SECCOM which solution we will target in long term and for Frankfurt. Hopefully, the Secret Management Services (AAF-subproject) could share a status update. 

Additional topic would be to further discuss certificate management and the need for introduction of CMPv2 support. 

Jacqueline Beaulac [Ericsson]

Reverse engineering of data models -- how and why

Presentation + discussion

Many ONAP components have developed their own data models independently to fill their own needs. As the complexity of ONAP increases, there is a need not only to document these data models, but also to compare them, find commonalities,  create abstractions, and define common principles. One path to this is through reverse-engineering.

This session will present different considerations and techniques when reverse-engineering data models to a common notation, looking at specific examples. The intention is to start a discussion around the needs in the community and how to best fulfil them.


Hello World Closed Loop (CDS and Policy aka APEX integration)

 demo + presentation/discussion

 A PoC has been progressed to explore CDS integration with APEX for a PNF closed loop. 

This activity has brought up interesting questions, possible requirements and next step proposals for further architectural exploration in the  area of policy framework and CLAMP. We are happy to share it in the comunity to open a discussion.


Evolution of LCM support in SO and controller for R6


For R6 it is proposed to extend LCM support in ONAP components as enabler for use cases such as PNF SW upgrade:

  • General improvements to PNF support
  • Introduce the CDS blueprint processor as option in the controller layer for handling of LCM actions

This session will look at bit closer at the problems and project impact


xNF License Management and ONAP

presentation/discussionA top-down approach for xNF license management and ONAP: proposal with a few license management principles, and some existing use cases with license management aspects included.ONAP

Contributing to ONAP from a beginner's perspective

presentation/discussionSmall rant about state of things in ONAP from a "new" developer perspective.ONAP

Model driven ONAP

presentation/discussionContinuing on from the presentation / discussion in San Jose in April, taking Policy Framework as an example for defining model-driven ONAP architectureONAP

Review status of ONAP architecture task forces and next steps

presentation/discussionWalkthrough the ONAP architecture taskforces to identify which should remain open and what is the intent in the next few months, and update on the current status.ONAP

Documenting ONAP Architecture

presentation/discussionWalkthrough of the approach being taken to capture the functional ONAP architecture.ONAP

Three best practices that will improve your container development experience

Presentation & discussion

ONAP uses a number of different container base images and different versions of the same base images: 5 different versions of node, 9 different versions of openjdk and 13 different versions of Python across ONAP projects. This approach has led to duplication of efforts and inefficiencies, such as resource consumption, large footprint and long build times. Also, teams experience unnecessary pain when unexpected changes occur in upstream projects.

What if we adopted three best practices to tackle these issues together and increase re-usability, stability and security.

First, to exploit cross-project commonalities and increase re-usability, adopt a set of common base images, (onap/base-xxx) with a well-defined life cycle controlled by PTLs.

Second, to guarantee stability, setup a mirror of the Alpine Linux distribution that's locked during development cycles. Base images and libraries will remain stable during each development cycle and will only be updated in-between development cycles.

Third, let the security sub-committee proactively participate in the vetting of the OS distribution and base image in order to address any security concern before a development cycle starts.


Open source impact on the telecom industry

DiscussionOpen discussion on the opportunities and hurdles for open source code in the Telecom industryALL

Closing Remarks  LF + TSC Chairs

David McBrideOPNFV Release Plan and Iruya PlanningPresentation and discussionReview release plan proposal and discuss Iruya planning.OPNFV
API Gateway/API Fabric ProposalPresentation & DiscussionRelated to the API GW Proposal being discussed in the Architecture committee - Discussion on the problems, functional capability, project alignment and technology (Service Mesh, API GW Solution, K8S API Aggregation etc) . Seek guidance from ArchComm on next stepsONAP
CDAP - Data Analytics framework in ONAPPresentation & Discussion

CDAP - current state ; History with respect to ONAP ; Future Roadmap ; Google's managed version of CDAP on google cloud - Cloud Data Fusion  -

CDAP as edge analytics platform

 Vijay Kumar


 Onsite support - David Farrelly james cuddy

ONAP-DCAE Dublin Features + Demo

 Presentation & DiscussionReview Dublin features offered by DCAE and future release focus ONAP