06-28-2022 TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes
06-28-2022 TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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Name | Company |
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Timo Perala | Nokia |
@nourelhouda.nouar | Orange |
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) | Intel |
@bwick | Aarna Networks |
@Ritu Sood (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Nadathur Sundar | Intel |
@cathy zhang | intel |
Welcome new members
Quick discussion on Outbound Marketing opportunity
Ritu will update TSC with EMCO 22.06 release progress
Check with Sandeep and Aarna if they have any features to add to 22.06
Ritu will present EMCO 22.09 candidate feature list
Future Agenda items:ย
, multiple selections available,