07-26-2022 TSC Meeting Agenda and Minutes

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@Bob Monkman (Deactivated)


@Ranny Haiby

Linux Foundation

@Adarsh Chittilappilly


@Victor Morales


@Igor Duarte Cardoso


@Manjunath Ranganathaiah (Deactivated)


LFN Staff: @ljilluzzi


  • LF Antitrust Policy

  • Welcome new members

  • Opens?

  • TSC Chair Election

  • ONE Summit and DTF in November

  • Kubecon/Edge Day October (Detroit). potential for an EMCO demo. Submissions- 5G Network Slicing, Multi-cluster solutions in K8 ecosystems


  • TSC Chair Election - the voting period is open (07/25 to 08/02) via OpaVote

    • 6 have opened the voting email. 4 have voted already. Need at least 7 for majority of TSC. 

  • Upcoming Events:

    • ONE Summit Nov 15-16 Seattle Washington

      • CFP Closes July 29. Link to Submit CFP

      • Suggested Topics

      • The EMCO Technical WG meeting on Friday July 22 discussed further and the team came up with at least 3 new ideas. 

        • 5G Slicing Use Case with possible tie -in to 5G SBP is being worked up for submission by Intel and partners

        • An Intel security related EMCO submission is also underway

        • @Srinivasa Addepalli is working up  from Aryaka Networks with a SASE use case around EMCO

        • Brandon also mentioned Aarna is also working up a proposal for something related to EMCO integration with OPA policy engine 

          • Submissions or KubeCon Edge Day on EMCO Overview was sent July 25 as well. 

    • 2022 LFN Developer & Testing Forum November 17-18th, Seattle Washington

  • 5G Network Slicing demo- Is there a 5G SBP tie-in?

    • Is a slicing use case being demonstrated? (IoT slices, gaming, 5G surgery, autonomous vehicle, gaming, latency)

    • Can we get a preview of the demo? Some preview may be available at a later stage

It was suggested that a Wiki page be set up to document submissions and Bob Monkman will create the page and ask for others to help fill it in. 

Future Agenda items: 

Update on Intern work

Contributor Diversity