2021 KubeCon EU Talk ideas

2021 KubeCon EU Talk ideas

CNTT / Anuket

What Anuket thinks about containers

  • Status: Draft

  • Speakers (first one submits): @Gergely Csatari , @Georg Kunz

  • Session Format: Dual Presentation: 35 minutes, 2 speakers presenting on a topic

  • Level of Expertise for Intended Audience: Any

  • Which Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosted software will your presentation be focused on?*: Kubernetes, CNI

  • Topi: Customizing & Extending Kubernetes (including KubeVirt, Volcano, CNI-Genie, KUDO, Artifact Hub, Crossplane, Cloud Custodian, Contour, k3s, Tremor and metal3-io, & OpenYurt)

  • Is your presentation considered a case study?: No

  • Session Description (Please provide a detailed, focused description on what this session will cover, written in the third person. This is what will be used in the online schedule, if accepted. 

    Note: We will not select a submission that has already been presented at a previous CNCF or Linux Foundation event within the last year. If your submission is very similar to a previous talk, please include information on how this version will be different. ) (1000 chars):

    The cloud native ecosystem is evolving at an incredible pace and the telco industry is embracing cloud native principles to develop and deliver 5G. However, a challenge emerging from this dynamics is that integrating and running workloads on telecom cloud infrastructures has shown to be complex and time consuming, due to varying interfaces and capabilities. Luckily, the Anuket project is set to address this industry challenge. Anuket is a new project combining the powers of CNTT and OPNFV to jointly harmonise interfaces and characteristics of telco cloud infrastructures using open and standardised solutions.

    This presentation will give an overview of how Anuket defines a Kubernetes Reference Architecture based on a technology agnostic Reference Model, how this model is implemented in a Reference Implementation and how different implementations can be tested with a Reference Conformance test suite. They will moreover explain how Anuket collaborates with related efforts in CNCF.

  • Benefits to the Ecosystem (This is your chance to elaborate. Tell us how the content of your presentation will help better the ecosystem or anything you wish to share with the co-chairs and program committee. We realize that this can be a difficult question to answer, but as with the description, the relevance of your presentation is just as important as the content.) (max 1000 chars):

    Attendees will get an overview of the Anuket Kubernetes Based Reference Architecture (RA2), Reference Implementation (RI2) and Reference Conformance (RC2).

  • Open Source Projects (Please list out all open source projects that you will be discussing in your presentation and include any relevant links for these projects.): Anuket

  • Have you presented this talk, or one similar to it, at a previous KubeCon + CloudNativeCon?: No

  • Resources (Optional):

  • Speaker Details (for all speakers):

    • Name

    • Preferred Pronouns (they/them/ze/him/her/etc.)

    • Company

    • Job Title

    • Email

    • GitHub Handle

    • Twitter Handle

    • Other Social (i.e. LinkedIn)

    • Country of Residence

    • Is this speaker employed at an end user company? :

    • Biography (Please provide a biography that includes any ongoing projects and previous speaking experience, written in the third person. Max of 800 characters.):

    • Has Speaker 1 spoken at any KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conferences before?

    • I confirm that none of the speakers above violate the following policy: An individual may only be listed as a speaker on up to two proposals, no matter the session format (Presentation - Solo or Dual, or Panel).*

    • What gender does Speaker 1 identify with?

    • Does Speaker 1 identify as a person of color