2019-05-13 Meeting notes

2019-05-13 Meeting notes


May 13, 2019


  1. @Min Yu

  2. @Lincoln Lavoie, Chair 

  3. @Rabi Abdel , Vice-Chair

  4. @Trevor Cooper

  5. @Kodilinye Atuchukw (vodafone)

  6. @David McBride

  7. @Shiby Parayil 

  8. @Patric Line (VoerEir)

  9. @Pierre Lynch [Keysight]

  10. @Shiby Parayil

  11. @Trevor Lovett

  12. @vincent.danno@orange.com

  13. @Steven Wright

  14. @Former user (Deleted)

  15. @Kenny Paul

  16. @Tapio Tallgren

  17. @ Mustafa Ozden (Netsia)

  18. @Jim Baker

  19. @Georg Kunz


Action Items from this meeting


Agenda Bashing & House Keeping (5 minutes)

Calendar, zoom bridge, and minutes process changes (5 minutes)

  • First, we'd like to move the calendar to the groups.io calendar.  This allows easier calendar subscription so changes are automatically propagated.

  • Second, we have a LFN zoom bridge line for the CVC to use, instead of Min's personal bridge.

  • Lastly, we'd like to shift the minutes to a shared wiki to be co-edited/approved during the course of the meeting. This facility works great for multiple editors and minute taking transparency.

Review and approval of badges

  • Wind River

    • Reviewers (+1 votes): Xu Dan, Huawei; Julien, ZTE; Georg Kunz, Ericsson; Mika Rautakumpu, Nokia

    • Approved to award the 2018.09 badge to Wind River.

  • Lenovo

    • Reviewers (+1 votes): Xu Dan, Huawei; Julien, ZTE; 

    • Discussion about partnership between hardware / software companies and how to list within the program. 

  • CIACT Lab Application

    • Reviewers (+1 votes): Still need reviewers for these results.

Multi-vendor badging

  • Why badge: Provide a list of known working solutions

  • How do we show multi-vendor solutions?

  • Does HW need to be outlined in each submission?

  • Agree: Move forward and list the combined (Lenovo/WindRiver) solution under the Lenovo company brand on the portal

VNF Validation Testing (VNF Life-cycle)

  • Conclusion from the meeting hosted by Rabi was to add TOSCA to MVP scope.

Any other business

  • Add a meeting 7am PT to focus on the MVP  and VNF Lifecycle on the alternating weeks - so CVC will have weekly meetings 

  • Need to engage the ONAP TSC on the project plans for El Alto

    • Prepare materials for this on 2019-05-20 for sharing with the ONAP TSC/Introduction at the June DDF

    • Target end of May for materials development - ONAP TSC meeting on 2019-05-30