2019-09-11 Meeting notes
Sep 11, 2019
LF Staff: @Kenny Paul @Casey Cain @Trishan de Lanerolle @Jim Baker
Committee Members: @Bin Hu @djhunt @Ranny Haiby @VM (Vicky) Brasseur @Olaf Renner @Wenjing Chu @Frank Brockners @Davide Cherubini @FREEMAN, BRIAN D @Abhijit K @Marc Fiedler @Ed Warnicke @Morgan Richomme @danny lin
Proxies: @Christian Olrog Atlassian (for Anders Rosengren, Ericsson) @Chaker Al-Hakim (proxy for @cl664y@att.com ONAP), @Manuel Buil (proxy for @Rossella Sblendido SUSE) @Trevor Cooper (for @Timothy Verrall (Deactivated) Intel)
Guests: @Joseph Gasparakis (Tungsten Fabric)
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
Committer Representative to the Board - Vote on options - @Frank Brockners @Abhijit K
TAC meeting at ONS - logistics, attendance, agenda
Retiring projects - guidance sought - @Chaker Al-Hakim @cl664y@att.com
Project Budget Guidance - pointer to materials for TAC members awareness
TAC readout to LFN Governing Board meeting - @djhunt
TAC Attendance
LF IT Modernization update
Committer Rep to the Board:
FB: The options on who would be eligible and who could vote were discussed and presented so that each option could be voted on.
A discussion was had about what defines an "active" committer.
The definition of "committer" is well defined in all charters as "Committers are Contributors who have earned the ability to modify (“commit”)
source code, documentation or other technical artifacts in a project’s repository""The primary distinguishing characteristic of Committers is a demonstrated history of
performing code reviews in the project code review system. References to quantity
and/or quality of code reviews (of other Contributors’ code, not the Committer’s own
code) should be given predominant weight when voting on the addition or removal of
a Committer"
Zoom vote:
Initial consensus poll drives the vote on the election method - All committers every cycle received the most votes in the poll
Shall the TAC adopt the policy for electing a Committer Representative to the Board that All committers are Eligible and they will cycle every year?
Vote passes with 94%
Discussion of details will be on the next meeting agenda
TAC meeting at ONS - Weds evening
Planned attendees: Jason, Abhijit, Brian, Olaf, Vicky, Wenjing, Chaker, Manuel, Marc, Morgan, Davide, Christian
GB presentation materials review @djhunt
Wording change on title to add "Additional" to Future TAC duties
ONAP Lifecycle Process @Chaker Al-Hakim
There are gaps in the existing process - reviewing with the TAC for feedback / recommendations for input
Looking for guidance - ultimately an ONAP TSC decision
Discussion here may also be relevant to other LFN Projects
Chaker to share the presentation and solicit email feedback