CNTT Workstream Signup

CNTT Workstream Signup

***Latest*** CNTT Structure Document - approved 2-5-2020**  CNTT_restructure_2020_v3.pptx

Previous CNTT_Structure_2019_10_17.pptx

CNTT Structure


Work Stream Distribution Statistics

 As of 10/23/19 @ 20:00 UTC

CNTT Structure_Resource Distribution_10.23.19_Final.pdf

Governance Steering - Master

Lead: Scot Steele (AT&T) /Beth Cohen (VZ)

Co-Leads: Rabi Abdel (Vodafone), Phil Robb (Ericsson), Fu Qiao (China Mobile)


  • Drive Governance Meeting Agenda
  • Bring in alignment between workstreams.
  • Seek community consensus and host voting when needed.
  • Create New workstreams when needed.

Committee Signup

Enter "Lead", "Co-Lead", or "Contributor"


  1. Existing Lead/Co-Leads have been confirmed as per the CNTT Governance Call 10/17/2019. Please enter/change contributors only.
  2. If you are volunteering to fill a Lead/Co-Lead existing gap, please notify the governance email list cntt-gov@lists.opnfv.org.
Name (Org)EmaGitHub ID
Lead/Co-LeadPhil Robb (Ericsson)phil.robb@est.techphrobb
ContributorJeff Collins (Ericsson)jeff.collins.ii@ericsson.comjeffreyc42
ContributorWalter Kozlowski (Telstra)walter.kozlowski@team.Telstra.comwalterkozlowski
ContributorJonne Soininen (Nokia)Jonne.soininen@nokia.comjosoinin
ContributorUlrich Kleber (Huawei)ulrich.kleber@huawei.comulikleber
ContributorBrian Bearden (AT&T) brian.bearden@att.com  
ContributorRick Tennant (AT&T)rick.tennant@att.com
ContributorVincent Seet (Globe Telecom)vseet@globe.com.ph
ContributorVincent Danno (Orange)vincent.danno@orange.com
ContributorToshi Wakayama (KDDI)to-wakayama@kddi.comToshiWakayama-KDDI
Co-LeadFu Qiao (China Mobile)fuqiao@chinamobile.comfuqiao
ContributorZhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)yuzhiqiang@chinamobile.comzhiqiang-yu
Co-LeadRabi Abdel (vodafone)abdel.rabi@vodafone.comrabi-abdel
ContributorHu Jie (ZTE)hu.jie@zte.com.cnztehujie
ContributorLingli Deng (China Mobile)denglingli@chinamobile.com

ContributorJisu Park (GSMA)jpark@gsma.comjisu-park
ContributorBob Monkman(Intel)bob.monkman@intel.combobmon01

Beth Cohen (Verizon)


 Scot Steele (AT&T)

 ss8171@att.com ss8171



Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Governance Workstreams

Governance Steering Committee (Formerly named: 'Community Strategy & Oversight')

Lead: Brian Bearden (AT&T)

Co-Leads: Lingli Deng (China Mobile), Phil Robb (Ericsson), Jim Baker (LFN)


  • Define community strategies that align with Common NFVI mission, objectives & outcomes
  • Review & assess community success measures for required action(s)
  • Ensure compliance within the community to policies, process, & principles

  • Ch01: Introduction
  • Ch02: Onboarding
  • Ch03: Organizational Structure and Works Streams
  • Ch04: Governance, Technical, Work Stream Nomination and Selection
  • Ch05: Voting and Approval
  • Ch06: Relationship to GSMA and LFN

Workstream Signup

Enter "Lead", "Co-Lead", or "Contributor"


  1. Existing Lead/Co-Leads have been confirmed as per the CNTT Governance Call 10/17/2019. Please enter/change contributors only.
  2. If you are volunteering to fill a Lead/Co-Lead existing gap, please notify the governance email list cntt-gov@lists.opnfv.org.
Name (Org)EmailGitHub ID
Co-LeadJim Baker (LFN)jbaker@linuxfoundation.orgmtnskiier
ContributorRick Tennant (AT&T)rick.tennant@att.comRT_ATT

speedwyre (AT&T)

LeadBrian Bearden (AT&T) brian.bearden@att.com  
Co-LeadPhil Robb (Ericsson)phil.robb@est.techphrobb
ContributorWalter Kozlowski (Telstra)walter.kozlowski@team.Telstra.comwalterkozlowski
ContributorJonne Soininen (Nokia)Jonne.soininen@nokia.comjosoinin
ContributorUlrich Kleber (Huawei)ulrich.kleber@huawei.comulikleber
ContributorVincent Seet (Globe Telecom)vseet@globe.com.ph
ContributorToshi Wakayama (KDDI)to-wakayama@kddi.comToshiWakayama-KDDI
ContributorRabi Abdel (VF)abdel.rabi@vodafone.comrabi-abdel
ContributorHu Jie (ZTE)hu.jie@zte.com.cnztehujie
ContributorZhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)yuzhiqiang@chinamobile.comzhiqiang-yu
ContributorWilliam DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)william.diego@orange.comwilliam-diego
Co-LeadLingli Deng (China Mobile)denglingli@chinamobile.com