2019-10-09 Meeting notes
Oct 9, 2019
LF Staff: @Casey Cain @Trishan de Lanerolle @Jim Baker
Committee Members: @Ranny Haiby @Timothy Verrall (Deactivated) @Wenjing Chu @Chaker Al-Hakim @VM (Vicky) Brasseur @Ed Warnicke @djhunt @Olaf Renner @Christian Olrog Atlassian @Frank Brockners@Abhijit K @Davide Cherubini@Morgan Richomme@Bin Hu @FREEMAN, BRIAN D @Manuel Buil @Marc Fiedler @Olaf Renner @cl664y@att.com
Proxies: @Feng Pan (Deactivated) (for @Thomas Nadeau)
Guests: @Former user (Deleted)
Start the Recording
Agenda Bashing (Roll Call, Action Items (5 minutes)
General Topics
LFN Governing Board meeting readout and actions - @djhunt
Summary of board meetingTAC action items
VNF Onboarding and multi-VNFD
technical architecture white paper (gaps, overlaps, touchpoints)
Process for cross-community collaboration
TAC Attendance
LF IT Modernization update @Casey Cain
LFN Monthly Security Group sync
Joint meeting ODL/ONAP at ONS technical meetings
ODL to provide a minimum set of components from ODL to narrow the attack surface and CVE exposure
Will have monthly sync meetings between ODL/ONAP into the future starting week of Oct 14, 2019
What made it an effective discussion
Being f2f is powerful to help discussions/collaboration
ODL prefers to have DDF before the start of the next releases - so ONS aligns well with the ODL schedules
@Chaker Al-Hakim set aside time for cross-community discussions at joint events
Events and TAC/MAC role
LFN sponsored events ONES - MAC lead the events
DDF/Plugfest joint project events - community inputs on timing/location
GB moving to LFN paid developer events instead of member volunteered sites
TAC as a broker to help consolidate community desires for joint events
fd.io's audience differs from large orchestration projects and thus it is not served by joint DDFs with such projects. fd.io needs its own DDF, or a DDF in collaboration with other dataplane projects such as DPDK, OVS, etc.
Propose projects get event budget to allocate as they wish
AI: TAC would like a description of the event strategies for each project so that TAC might help broker dates/approach
@Former user (Deleted) Recommends that we augment ONS with the developer events.
GB review of the SPC contributions
Board has asked SPC to balance internal focus and external adoption focus
TAC action items from GB
technical architecture white paper (gaps, overlaps, touchpoints)
Help articulate how the LFN pieces fit together
Identify synergies to encourage collaboration
Something like a landscape slide that shows relationships
Showing dependencies would be useful (eg. ONAP has dependencies on ODL jars)
Intended audience: utility to both internal/external - need clarification
All LFN projects focus on the delivery of NFVs and ultimately VNFs
Overlaps exist - we know that mapping is the first step in understanding
Volunteers for technical architecture review of LFN projects
@Joseph Gasparakis (head of the technical committee on TF)
@Ranny Haiby
@Abhijit K
@Chaker Al-Hakim
Deferred: Process for cross-community collaboration
Eg. CNCF TUG - GB asks for a proposal on how these collaborations should be done
Propose: use a wiki to catalog these efforts
Deferred: VNF Onboarding and multi-VNFD