2020-10-06 [CNTT EDGE] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2020-10-06 [CNTT EDGE] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Please add your name below: Name (Company) :

  • @Beth Cohen (Verizon)

  • @Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)

  • @Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)

  • @Ildiko (OSF)

  • @Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)

  • @Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper)

  • @MEHMET TOY (Verizon)

  • @Petar Torre (Deactivated) (Intel)

  • @Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)

Agenda and Minutes:


    • Conferences and Presentations:

    • Technical 

      • CNTT Edge - RA01 ( OpenStack ) Architecture - Scenario – Please define EnCloud in the doc.  Also need to define multi-Cloud.  Edge is still ill-defined in the marketplace and in the technology community, so it is important to state our assumptions and definitions for the purposes of the document.  Should we start from the general and then drill down to the Telecom Edge Cloud, or go directly the Telecom specific requirements.  Mehmet –  Use a more general term, Edge Cloud for example, rather than pinning it to the enterprise.   Edge Cloud always has the characteristics of having constraints, limited resources, limited bandwidth, intermittent connectivity, etc.   Net to incorporate the concept of multi-cloud into this document.  Multi-cloud is public/private, container vs. VM.  hybrid architecture.  The difference is who owns the customers, who owns and dictates the infrastructure.  (AWS/VMWare partnership for example)  Wavelength is hosted by the Telecom, but managed and owned by Amazon.  It can get quite complex because of all the components and relationships.  Multi-cloud is dependent on a federated relationship between operators, vendors, private clouds, and public cloud hyperscalers.  Then the technical angle is that the components need to be orchestrated and the tools to do that have to be available.   Most of the vendors are moving their business models to stand up and manage their clouds that sit on top of the hyperscalers' infrastructure.  Most of the non-hyperscaler vendors (VMWare,HP, Ericsson, etc) don't have their own independent platforms anymore.  Need to make sure that CNTT reference architectures can support these models.  VNF/CNF tuning is separate from the tuning of the infrastructure.  CNTT's mandate is to tune the infrastructure to support Telecom workloads.  We are NOT locking in the vendors, but we are creating a compelling reference model across the industry.  Co-location on a site of multiple cloud providers – similar to the  telecom peering hotel concept – need to have integration points.  Equinix bought Packet (PR) and have renamed it. https://builders.intel.com/docs/networkbuilders/telecom-workload-placement-and-affinity-model-solution-brief.pdf


    • liaison

      • Do we need it right now (Y/N) 

        • LF-Edge -akraino : Presentation about Akraino Edge work and how it can fit with this workstream, also talk about other LFEdge Projects

        • OpenStack - StarlingX :

        • GSMA - LFN joint meeting to discuss mutual work, will probably be more that will come back into the Edge CNTT group.   GSMA has two working groups, Requirements (Specs for Telco Edge Clouds) and Trials (Commercialization of the Edge, work between vendors and Telecos) groups. – Need to make sure that two groups are in alignment.

        • TIP : update , we have a meeting with TIP& FB

        • O-RAN = WG 6 – Had one meeting before Rabi left.  Ahmed is working to pick it up again.

        • ONAP – Maybe for the TSC rather than just Edge.  How would we consume ONAP differently at the Edge?

        • CNCF – KubeEdge, 

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