2020-10-28- [CNTT - Technical Steering Committee] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Table of Contents
Anti-Trust Policies
Agenda / Minutes
- Elbrus (Current release)
- Milestone check-in
- CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle
- LFN Conference on Oct 13-15. 2020 October Virtual Technical Event and 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals
- Open discussion - how did everyone like these: format, topics, duration
- Open discussion - any highlights ? areas for improvement ?
- Calendar https://teamup.com/ksgw6qzqcmg9zbzsfq
- Consider a few things for next conference:
- Day 1: Bootstrap sessions with Intro 101 and vF2F Session Preview
- Days 2+: some leaders were looking for more outside participation/comments; if so, the session format should be tweaked such as naming the session accordingly ("Readout session" vs "Working session" vs "Participation session") and introducing the session as whichever type so that people know ahead of time.
Mission and Scope statements Heather Kirksey Scot Steele
Socialize the draft scope for the Anuket technical charter
Socialize the draft mission statement for Anuket
"Interim" TSC proposal and election
- https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YoPm – location of mission statement working pages. Please comment.
- OITF - GSMA Task ForceWalter.kozlowski
- Meeting on to endorse Baraque release - endorsement achieved
- Present at GSMA Networks Group's quarterly plenary on
- The materials were presented and the expected approval is 15 Nov 2020. So far no comments. OPG Operator Platform Group, looking to see if there is collaboration opportunities, FASG, Security Group is also going to review.
- Meeting on to endorse Baraque release - endorsement achieved
- Meld
- Operational/TSC task force - Georg Kunz leading - thank you ! 15:00 UTC https://zoom.us/j/94697698104
- Gov/Org (~ "business" ?) task force meeting 14:00 UTC https://zoom.us/j/92394523259?pwd=WWxpbC9pNkViSWc1MEVUMENBZzZLUT09
- CNTT and OPNFV TSC Responsibilities
- Issue #2043: Can we add an app or bot to close stale issues and PRs? Tom Kivlin
- Any objections to me investigating further and proposing something back to this forum?
- Review again – Look at the issue again after the Meld in the new year.
Meeting Info
- https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/wiki/Meetings
- Every Wednesday @ 12:00 UTC. https://zoom.us/j/93582754917?pwd=eno1ME5COXQ1QVRtUDFOLy9kNzIrUT09