2020-10-08 - [CNTT - RC2] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92317903558?pwd=MEU1Z3FLblBIb05nSitYUkdpeWV5UT09
Please add your name in here:
@bill.mulligan (Kubermatic)
@Olivier Smith (MATRIXX)
@Taylor Carpenter (Vulk Coop / CNCF)
@Trevor Cooper (Intel)
@Georg Kunz (Ericsson Software Technologies)
@Al Morton (AT&T)
Agenda and Minutes
Release Planning
Define what level CNF testing is for CNTT
how it should be architected and implemented should be out of scope
how a CNF consumes infrastructure, k8s is an application life cycle manage thus the application is already part of it
CNF requirements from meeting each Tuesday (see below) will continue outside CNTT, CNTT needs to keep pushing forward on what we are comfortable bringing in from there
https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/1496 original issue
each community may have a superset of those requirements depending upon their needs
capabilities are already present in OPNFV and they are integrating CNF conformance, we just need to decide which ones we want to include
Initial traceability for CNF requirements
Increase platform test coverage
Chapter 3 Restructuring https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/1868
Please review before the next meeting
Regular meeting, Tuesdays @ 4:00pm UTC / 12:00pm EST, looking to collate CNF requirements from multiple sources - please feel free to join and contribute:
Meeting notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eStYtBIoAvz8kh8k2NtvTnjfKZ_6km9HVzCEBt4s0tY/edit#
Working spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TxrrCDKQEzca_snuIXMAcz4GCHj9b99-Obnhs20rCB0
Determine business requirements - including non-functional
Determine functional technical requirements
Determine K8s / cloud native implementation options and best practices
Highlight tradeoffs, conflicts, gaps
Examine applications or write new PoC (eg. existing NFs and their components)
Create or find tests that check applications against the requirements
vF2F schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgw6qzqcmg9zbzsfq
CNF requirements at the virtual event 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals#2020OctoberVirtualTechnicalEventTopicProposals-OPNFV/CNTTTopics