2020-11-05 - [CNTT - RC2] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92317903558?pwd=MEU1Z3FLblBIb05nSitYUkdpeWV5UT09

Please add your name in here:

  • @bill.mulligan (CNCF)

Agenda and Minutes

  • Define what level CNF testing is for CNTT 

    • testing the CNF that would interact with the infrastructure so we can then test the infrastructure to understand if they are ready for one another

    • CNCF checks the "cloud nativeness" of the CNF which may go beyond what RC2 needs to cover of just how it interacts with the infrastructure - need Taylor's review

    • want to check things that matter and want it to be a short list

    • not testing CNF functionality, primarily orchestration and limited execution of the CNF

  • Initial traceability for CNF requirements

  • Increase platform test coverage

  • Chapter 3 Restructuring https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/1868

    • Please review before the next meeting

    • assigned RC2 team