2020-11-12 - [CNTT - RC2] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92317903558?pwd=MEU1Z3FLblBIb05nSitYUkdpeWV5UT09
Please add your name in here:
@bill.mulligan (CNCF)
Agenda and Minutes
Chapter 3 Restructuring https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/1868
Define what level CNF testing is for CNTT
testing the CNF that would interact with the infrastructure so we can then test the infrastructure to understand if they are ready for one another
CNCF checks the "cloud nativeness" of the CNF which may go beyond what RC2 needs to cover of just how it interacts with the infrastructure - need Taylor's review
want to check things that matter and want it to be a short list
not testing CNF functionality, primarily orchestration and limited execution of the CNF
Initial traceability for CNF requirements
Increase platform test coverage
No Meeting next week
Please review Meld Zone for info about CNTT/OPNFV merger: Meld Zone
CNF working group https://github.com/cncf/cnf-conformance/pull/450?notification_referrer_id=MDE4Ok5vdGlmaWNhdGlvblRocmVhZDEyODQzMDI5NDQ6MjkwNDg4NzA%3D#pullrequestreview-523789096
Kickoff at KubeCon on the 19th https://kccncna20.sched.com/event/fRkx