2021-02-04 - Anuket: PDF 2.0 Definition

2021-02-04 - Anuket: PDF 2.0 Definition

Topic Leader(s)

  • @jie niu

  • @Sridhar Rao

Topic Overview

Slides & Recording


Beyond the slides, there was a quick demo of the PDF GUI, developed with the help of Parth Yadav (Intern/Student).

Q: Pod Definition File originally described HW.  Now we have 2 types of info, HW plus roles the HW plays (called design data) and some installer related files.  This sounds more like a DEPLOYMENT definition file.

A: Operator wants a single source of truth for all ths info included. - Single umbrella file helps.

BUT: does this PDF map to a Openstack based infrastructure or a K8s based infrastructure?

A: there are two phases, first is HW, second is a software phase which can be adapted.  For Airship, there are objects dependent on the ook or k8s.

There is a reasonable relationship with the work (SDV and HDV) currently taking place in the CIRV project, so this is a potential home/repo for PDF 2.0 work. There is also the possibility to re-activate Pharos specifically to continue the PDF 2.0 work, and that would need a PTL from among the current committers. (Note that Pharos work is needed in other areas, such as the current lab resource management as discussed at Feb 4 TSC meeting - the current situation needs to be re-discovered and thought-through, but this work is orthogonal to PDF 2.0.)

Action Items

Set up further meetings to discuss, not much time for that today.