2021-02-03 - ONAP: Honolulu Security Updates
2021-02-03 - ONAP: Honolulu Security Updates
Topic Leader(s)
@Amy Zwarico
@Pawel Pawlak
Topic Overview
In this presentation we will review the Python 3 and Java 11 upgrade tasks and exceptions. We will also present a list of commonly used packages that all projects should try to upgrade.
Slides & Recording
Awesome presentation
Global Requirement: Complete Python 3 and Java 11 updates
Best Practice: Direct Dependency Upgrades
Global requirements for Honolulu release were reviewed by @Amy Zwarico and @Pawel Pawlak including exception process that should be reviewed at the RC0 milesone (action point to inform @David McBride. @Vijay Kumar shared his testimony from DCAE migration experience for both Python and Java. Additionally direct dependency upgrades proposals were presented.
Action Items
@Pawel Pawlak to ensure that David is aware of exception process for Python 3 and Java 11 updates Global Requirements - so we can have a dedicated RC0 task for final exception review.
@Amy Zwarico to provide latest Oparent version update.