LFN Security Forum
Meeting RecordingThe Security Forum is where LFN community members can discuss anything security related. That may include threat analysis, industry trends, best practices, tools, etc.
Interested parties:
Name | Affiliations | Interests |
@Ranny Haiby | LF, ONAP TSC, LFN TAC, LFN MAC | Cross-community collaboration |
@Tony Hansen | AT&T, ONAP SECCOM | best practices, tools, cross-community collaboration, CII badging |
@David McBride | LFN, ONAP, Anuket, US-GOV-OPS | best practices, considerations for software release |
@Brandon Wick | LFN, LFN MAC | Messaging, communications, content |
@Robert Heinemann | MITRE Corp, ONAP SECCOM | Adversarial threat, Threat Informed Defense |
@Muddasar Ahmed | MITRE Corp, ONAP SECCOM | Adversarial threat, Threat Informed Defense |
@Byung-Woo Jun | Ericsson, ONAP Architecture Subcommittee, SECCOM | security architecture, best practices, industry trends |
@Amy Zwarico | AT&T, ONAP SECCOM | Security architecture, software composition analysis, static application security testing, software bill of materials, PKI, cross community collaboration |
@Pawel Pawlak | F5 Networks, ONAP SECCOM | Best practices sharing accross LFN projects, security architecture, automation, software composition analysis, static application security testing, software bill of materials, security in the containers scanning, adoption of tools to increase software security. |
@Karine Sevilla | Orange, Anuket | Cross-community collaboration, tools, open source software security, software bill of materials, zero trust architecture |
@Ruben Merz | Swisscom | Security architecture, cross-community collaboration, security automation, zero-trust architecture, PKI, telco security topics, supply-chain security, secure CI/CD |
@Ragashree M C | Nokia, CNCF, Anuket, OWASP | Security architecture, best practices, industry trends, cross-community collaboration, security automation, |
@Samuli Kuusela | Ericsson, ONAP SECCOM, Anuket | Cross-community collaboration, best practices, security architecture |
Mailing list:
Meeting minutes:
April-21-2022 Meeting with David Wheeler
OpenSSF badging:
Applicability to "non-code" projects
David invites review of the best-practices, and then providing feedback to him
Re-starting badging effort
Should be possible
There is a LF certificate that is good for two year
Recommend to have one maintainer take at least one course
Automatic scorecards
Automatically scan the repos
Verify public key used
detect malicious signing, revocation
Facilitates easy signing of artifacts
There are several integrations ready, e.g. Maven
Learn to develop secure code
OpenSSF badging
Use vulnerability tools
Monitor for vulnerabilities
Enable rapid updates
Already have several of the automated tools integrated
@Muddasar Ahmed - https://saf.mitre.org/#/ - Security Automation Framework for DevOps pipelines
@Muddasar Ahmed - Any best practices for people and processes (in addition to the code itself)?
The training course is people oriented
Some of the badging are process oriented
New initiative "Secure Software Factory" - aimed at recommending a pipeline for secure software production
The OpenSSF is open to everyone
If you can't find what you were looking for, contact David Wheeler - dwheeler@linuxfoundatioh.org
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VrLTfSV4K75XZCG7Mtb00RXQcGJFKk6Y0QQ91BVflCw/edit
August-18-2021 Forum kick-off meeting
Focus areas
Best practices could be further broken down to 'developer best-practices' and 'end-user best practices'
How can we collaborate with the OpenSSF - https://github.com/ossf , https://openssf.org
Are there other initiatives, in addition to the OpenSSF, that we should be aware of? Suggestion to add a reference in our wiki.
What might be unique to the LFN (e.g. CI/CD) that would require a separate security work? At least we need synchronization.
Reach out to David Wheeler and organize an introduction call - help define the boundaries between OpenSSF and LFN security. Recent Blog By David Wheeler: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/how-lf-communities-enable-security-measures-required-by-the-us-executive-order-on-cybersecurity/
Amy's presentation to the LFN board could be a good starting point for defining the unique security aspects of networking projects. An opportunity to be though leaders on security practices.
Please upload any material or links to our existing wiki space - treat it as a sandbox. We can discuss it on the mailing list.
We should focus on understanding what projects are doing, not be too prescriptive.
Our main objective for now should be knowledge sharing. Later we can decide to broaden the scope, producing white papers, consolidating best-practices, etc.
How to test security? How to detect vulnerabilities in dependencies (added to best-practices wiki page)
Preferred mode of operation
Uploading relevant material to the wiki pages
~Monthly meeting, where authors of the uploaded material can walk us through it.
Additionally, a newsletter or meeting notes to highlight the new topics.
Action items:
Reach out to David Wheeler an organize an introduction to the OpenSSF @Ranny Haiby
Upload material to the wiki space - @all
November-18-2021 SBOM Discussion
ONAP SBOM status - https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Software+Bill+of+Materials – Pawel/Amy
Still WIP. Expecting to generate SBOM soon
Started with existing set of NTIA requirements
Focusing on SPDX format provides ~85% of the minimum required BOM. Might require some manual work to complete.
Working on making the SPDX task part of the CI chain.
Q: What are the disadvantages of CycloneDX? A: Failed to extract information in some cases. SPDX seems to be more successful. Also, some operators may required SPDX format for the BOM.
There are tools that can generate different formats of SBOM and translate between formats. Different customers may require different formats.
Q: Are there CI plugins (specifically for Maven) that can trigger generating the SBOM? @Jessica Gonzalez may have some such configurations available. @Robert Vargawill reach out.
Q: How is signature related to SBOM? A: There is a standard methodology in the LF. ONAP is following that. It is mandated by mavenCentral.
Anuket SBOM work - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter07.md#77-open-source-software-security - Karine
Started with the NTIA document. analyzed SPDX as well. SWID Tags came up in the analysis as well.
At this point planning to come up with recommendation only, no requirement yet.
@Muddasar Ahmed - Generating the SBOM should become transparent to developers and project leaders.
The document linked above is planned to be a living document reflecting recent evolution of SBOM specifications. May include more prescriptive requirements for tools and process.
@Muddasar Ahmed - SPDX 3.0 specifications will most likely be accompanied by a 3.0 version of the SPDX tool.
Using Scancode.io for Docker image license and vulnerability scanning -https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/onesummit2021/78/one2021.pdf - Ranny
recent NTIA recommendations for SBOM. They are quickly becoming de facto standards -https://www.ntia.doc.gov/report/2021/minimum-elements-software-bill-materials-sbom - Amy
Minimum requirements are already out - 10 fields - name, URL, etc.
More fields are in the works. There seem to be alignment between NTIA specification and SPDX.
There are external details in the NTIA specifications, some are ambiguous.
US entities may be required (by a US executive order from may 2021) to be aware of their software composition. SBOM may soon become part of RFCs issued by such companies.
Next steps
Add links to ONAP page and presentation.
@Robert Varga - Add information received from Jessica regarding automation scripts
@Muddasar Ahmed , @Pawel Pawlak - Will add a session to the Jan-2022 developer forum
December-12-2021 DDoS mitigation Discussion
Mon Dec 13, 2021 10am – 11:30am Pacific Time zoom.us/j/95225604398
Peraton Labs DDOS Mitigation Technology Overview
Slide decks are not available for distribution yet - This is an introduction meeting. Follow-up meeting will be scheduled when slides are available if necessary
Peraton's project is focused on protecting edge2edge of a network operator's network. Focusing on OPS-5G DDoS attacks carried out by bots. The project delivers predominantly software, with some interfaces to hardware (switches). In OPS-5G network programmability is used as a measure for mitigating attacks (while not letting the programmability compromise security).
Discussion about where the project fits in the LFN landscape.
Next steps - Have a slide deck with technical material to share and have a follow-up meeting.
Next steps:
Action Items
March-21-2022 DDoS mitigation Discussion (follow up to Dec 12 discussion)
This is a follow-up to the December meeting, including technical slides that were not previously available
Next steps:
Action Items
Recording: video1184668288.mp4
Slides: ProD3 overview for LF 20220321.pdf