5G Super Blueprint TAC Seat Attributes
Good characteristics for candidates to fill the TAC Seat supporting 5G include:
Thought leader and visionary on 5G and 6G solutions, industry trends, Use Cases.
Advise on Use Cases that differentiate Open Source 5G/6G solutions (within the 5G SBP Use Case Advisory Group)
Advise on Use Cases that add value for service providers and cultivate business Use Cases (within the 5G SBP Use Case Advisory Group)
Ability to span across parallel/sister communities and umbrellas (LF Edge, Energy, Health, etc.), from a technical standpoint, to identify potential technical fits with the 5G SBP
Contribute technical expertise to 5G SBP from an architecture and topology standpoint to fit a given Use Case.
Advise the TAC on trends in 5G/6G and potential project fit for the LFN umbrella