Convince Your Boss D&TF!

Convince Your Boss D&TF!


Dear {Boss},

I’d like to attend the Linux Foundation Networkings premier Developer event on all things open source networking, the Developer & Testing Forum, which is being held in Budapest, Hungary on Nov 13, 2023 to Nov 16, 2023 

I’ve researched many similar conferences and this is THE event to attend for networking developers, sysadmins, dev-ops professionals, architects and community leadership professionals. Not only is this event a way to expand my knowledge, skills, and help solve technical issues with the best and brightest in the community, it’s also a technical forum on open source networking technologies!

Here’s how I envision my attendance at the Developer & Testing Forum in November of 2023 strengthening our organization:

  1. The Developer & Testing Forum serves as an invaluable platform for networking developers to connect. This forum not only covers the foundational open source technologies, but also delves into the latest trends in networking, cloud-native, edge computing, AI, and other related fields. By bringing together developers, sysadmins, DevOps professionals, and IT architects, the forum offers a unique opportunity for collaboration, allowing them to shape the future of technology.

  2. The Developer and Testing Forum is a crucial technical event for the LFN project communities, bringing together over 300 open-source community members three times a year. The forum serves as a platform for individuals responsible for building and testing the code to engage in virtual sessions, discussing release, feature, and architecture planning, as well as problem-solving. Multi-project collaborations are also discussed during the sessions.

Ultimately, this is a