Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTi) - Depricated

Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTi) - Depricated

This page and its child pages are depricated. Please go to the new CNTi wiki here: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/l/cp/0gP5trQZ

LF Networking’s new Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTi) brings telco networking and cloud native thought leaders together to advance cloud native networking confidence and adoption.  If you are interested in participating and advancing this initiative, please consider engaging in one or more of our focus areas:


Development of Cloud Native and Kubernetes native networking best practices for infrastructure and workloads. 

Creation of an open source & vendor neutral testing catalog that can be used to validate and verify use of best practices.

Develop an industry leading Cloud Native Telecom certification program to build CSP confidence, drive adoption, and reduce interoperability efforts. 

Public Landing Page

Cloud Native Telecom Initiative - LF Networking 

Mailing List


Community Meetings

Technical Steering Commitee (TSC) 

Best Practices 

Test Catalog 

Certification Meetings 

CNTi Branding (Logos)