2024-05 - Nephio: Let's discuss and improve Nephio Test-Infra project
Short Description
60 minutes, @Victor Morales
Nephio Test-Infra project is a swiss army knife that contains multiple resources from Ansible playbooks to provision a Nephio Sandbox VM to End-to-End testing bash scripts which guarantee the correct functionality of Nephio components. This session pretends to walkthrough the different part of the project, discuss alternatives to improve it, evaluate alternative implementations, and eventually collect feedback from the attendees to simplify its usage.
Topic Overview
Test-Infra project overview
assets folder
e2e folder
packer initiative
provision folder
Ansible Playbooks
terraform folder
tests folder
images folder
prow folder
tools folder
Areas for improvement
Separate Ansible playbooks
Utilize KUTTL framework
Session Type
Interactive technical presentation and/or capability demo | |
Pre-Recorded technical presentation and/or capability demo | |
Live / hands-on technical training | |
X | Community process, governance or collaboration development |
Real-time troubleshooting, bug-scrub or similar | |
Other (please describe) |
Slides & Recording
Following the event session recordings may be uploaded to our YouTube Channel at the full discretion of LFN staff.