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Meeting 03-29-22 - 5G SBP Off-Week Working Group Meeting

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Linux Foundation
Martin Skorupskihighstreet technologies (O-RAN-SC OAM PTL)
Ganesh Venkatraman (Deactivated)Kaloom
Kenny PaulLFN
Ranny HaibyLinux Foundation
Bob Monkman (Deactivated)Intel
Amar KapadiaAarna Networks
Tracy Van BrakleAT&T
Robert EdwardsMATRIXX Software
Ike AlissonAlicon
Brandon WickLFN



  • Start Recording- helps facilitate minutes and Action Items
  • Antitrust
  • Meeting Purpose
  • Roadmap Refresh
  • Agenda items for April 12 Off-Week Meeting


LF Anti-trust

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

Meeting Purpose

The Off-Week Working Group Meeting is intended to be a deep dive working session on particular work stream item(s) within the 5G Super Blueprint. While any subject(s) related to the 5G Super Blueprint may be discussed, this meeting is not intended to be an overall status update of the 5G Super Blueprint. The overall status of the 5G Super Blueprint is discussed on the alternate Tuesday meeting.

Roadmap Refresh

  • Roadmap refresh presented by Amar
    • Continue community feedback on roadmap proposal
  • Start building out a workplan
  • Magma 1.7 should be released this week.
  • April will be a slideware update for ONEEF
  • October will be live demo
    • Faraday cage is available at UNH
    • would be good to get an RAPP vendor to participate - fall back would be the ORAN-SC RAPP
    • major differences between 5G 17 and 18

Reference Material: 5G Super Blueprint Roadmap


Phase 1 Status: They just got Istanbul installed in a stable manner. Will try out soon with hacked up Helm Charts. Magma 1.7 hasn’t happened. Suresh: Magma 1.7.0 sometime later this week. Have Helm charts been corrected? It will take more time for this. After 1.7, we’ll more features to 1.17.1 and will synch with Aarna team offline. Artifact/Collateral Phase I. What can we show? Suresh, will need to check. This will be a demo (per Suresh).

Phase 2. Status: Working on items in parallel in O-RAN (labs), Can we get some work items documented as a head-start. Aarna, GenXComm. One Summit timeline matches their timeline. GenxComm will be central entity.

  • Physical task fo shipping radio to UNH. License band/unlicenced band, faraday age, etc. UNH has a faraday cage!
  • Software Integration 1: GenxCom + Magma),
  • Software Integration 2: GenxComm with ONAP (Aarna)
  • Software Integration 3: GenxComm with Anuket (Aarna community member TBD)
  • All these can happen in parallel

Right hand side: MEG Application. Video streaming through Cap Gemini’s 5G Core. We can dust off or look at another MEC applications. Phase 2A: Do this by ONE Summit

Phase 2B: Configuration management (Aarna). Monitoring and CLA (coordinate with magma/GenxCom). Catherine has been discussingDavid: Do you mean configuration of the defined system (Day 0, Day 1, Day 2). Day 0 (done automatically).

Phase 3: Slicing. There’s the traditional approach (ONAP style, needs significant slicing functionality in Magma), Technique A. Technique B. Unshared slicing (each slice requireds new set of network functions). Need to invite Intel (Srini) to better comment on that one. If Intel style, we could do it even NOW. Don’t need all the new features of MAGMA. Non RT RIC, we need a A-RAP? Community member. XRAP for NRT RIC. In Oran SC (non RT RIC type tasks). ORAN-SC (Martin). There are XAPS as Hello World, a kind of micro services, things that can be deployed together. All “cloudified” from a deployment POV. Use case to sit on the Infra. XRAP running on NR RIC. RAPS running in BLANK. Can we find an RRAP community member vendor), then it becomes real. Fallback, sample, simulated R-RAP. Capturing notifications and doing configurations.Phase 2, we need Srini (AMF/SMF to be shared?). Bob to check.Neil: I think a part of that would depend on RAN, something other than fault routing to direct traffic to the right instance. If E2E, slicing, RAN.Check Release 17 + Release 18 on slicing, 5G Advanced, user equipment. 

Feedback; Offweek sessions more productive for working teams.

Bob: Logistics: call next week, 8:00 AM PT? 15:00 UTC was edging out the other option.

Agenda items for April 12 off-week meeting

  • TBD




  • ONAP/Magma Integration #1
    •  - CBA and Helm repos. Louis/Yogen need to unstick check-in issue.
    •  - Ran out of time for update
    •  Yogendra: Working on a Helm chart issue by splitting them up. Access gateway. Small infra changes. We'll them be taking up the Magma orchestrator. Is there any specific help from Magma needed (Suresh)? Yes, that would be a great help (orchestrator charts). Suresh and Yogendra to synch offline. Helm chart fixes will require namespace changes (the ideal path). There is also a workaround to force all namespaces to be the same. The community agrees this is not the ideal long-term solution. It was requested that the Magma community, led by Suresh (Wavelabs) work with Yogen to package the Helm charts with namespace corrections as the long-term solution. Suresh to consult with Magma community if this will lead to any conflicts with Magma namespace as it exists today.
    •   - Update from Aarna: The action item is to try workaround in Helm charts on ONAP Istanbul release. We have been facing challenges with ONAP (I release) deployment. On one ONAP deployment on the UNH server where we managed to deploy, the ONAP portal is extremely slow, and takes few minutes to respond. We are trying to install on another server but were unable to allocate new servers due to issues with UNH LaaS setup. These are finally resolved, and we are able to allocate a new server on which we will restart ONAP deployment, and then the workaround to deploy Magma with modified Helm charts. 
  • ONAP/Magma Topic: #2
    •  Kader - have servers and simulators. Waiting on 5G radio.
    •  - Ran out of time for update
    •  Wavelabs + Rebaca making good progress (in Wavelabs lab) on integration. Before Magma 1.7 come out, we'd like to replicate this in the community labs (by cloning). If using Wavelabs for community use, need to address some issues (e.g. jumphost set up as a trusted host). Can a jumphost be set up at Kaloom and/or UNH? Hanen/Suresh/Amar looking into it. Option may be to connect the labs. Reference- UNH lab is used for 5G resources (Amar).
  • ONAP/ORAN -SMO Framework workstream
    • Martin- weekly meeting in place on SMO Framework packages. What ONAP group is involved?
      • The team is on the way to turn the "ONAP based SMO package" including O-RAN-SC artifacts like 'Non-RT-RIC into a broader package, which includes CNFs like Near-RT-RIC and 5G Core(?)
      • Current feature set available:
        • SMO-Package
          • from ONAP: O1-Controller (SDN-R), VES-Collector, Message-Router (DMaaP), A1-Controller, Policy
          • from O-RAN-SC: Non-RT-RIC, hello-world rApp, Topology-service
        • simulated RAN-Package (O-DUs, O-RUs)
        • automated end-to-end O1 (and OFHM) closed loop tests
        • Documentation
        • Please see demo recording (start a 10min)
      • on the roadmap
        • add Near-RT-RICs
        • add 5G Core(s)
        • deployment of xApps
        • develop and add more automated end-to-end test cases
        • add traffic analytics tool (e.g. Wireshark)
    • Tracy- proposal to show SMO Framework demo to show capabilities
  • ORAN/Anuket workstream
  • 5G RAN:
    •  What workstreams can begin now that GenXcomm is onboard?
    •  Need to check in with GennXcom and determine RAN side of 5G SBP (CU/DU). Catherine suggestion: Bring this to the ORAN-SC community (Tracy + Martin). LF Staff to make connection. 

Action Items (open)

Action Items (completed)

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