About Plenary Sessions
A Plenary session implies that all attendees are expected to attend due to either their relevance or importance to LFN as a whole. This usually means that no other sessions will be running in parallel. Topics may be reclassified as "General Interest" by the Program Committee to run as a parallel session if deemed appropriate.
Topic Leader(s)
Topic Description
Bazaar vs. Cathedral Should LFN communities be building functioning platforms or build components that work in multiple environments?
Topic Overview
Slides & Recording
Please indicate your session type in the blank space below and then remove this Info field.
- Demo / Informational (non-interactive)
- You may be asked to pre-record this session which will be made available on-demand.
- Live Interactive Session
LFN Staff may elect to publish some videos to YouTube. Please indicate here if you do not want your session to be published to YouTube.
Awesome presentation
- Point 1
- Point 2