Topic Leader(s)
Topic Description
90m, Lincoln Lavoie, Scot Steele Review the current Anuket value proposition, what has been accomplished thus far, what remains to be completed, and determine what we can accomplish in 2022.
Topic Overview
The Anuket Assured Program has been established as a path for LFN members and vendors to leverage the specifications, tooling, testing, and community resources to validate their solutions according to the requirements and testing created by LFN Projects (i.e. Anuket, ONAP, etc.). The program is intended to help deliver on the projects' value, through testing and assigning badges according to the requirements defined by the project (i.e. Anuket defines what it means to meet the requirements of the Reference Architecture, ONAP defined what it means for a VNF to meet the VNF requirements). Within the Anuket Assured 2021 program release (i.e. the first programs to reference the Anuket release artifacts), testing of the infrastructure is generally well represented, while testing of the workload has been less well defined. In the context of the overall "value" provided through a common set of "reference cloud infrastructure models, architectures, conformance programs and tools to deliver network services faster, more reliably, and securely", the Anuket Assured Program needs to address both the infrastructure and workload categories. In session, we need to review what we have accomplished and what work remains to fully deliver on the promise of the Anuket Assured Program, to create a list of 2022 deliverables.
Within the Anuket Assured Program, there are 4 key categories of testing:
- NFVI Infrastructure
- VNF Workloads
- Cloud Native Infrastructure
- Cloud Native Workloads
Slides & Recording
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- Live Interactive Session
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- Anuket Assured Recap (Lincoln Lavoie) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Value Proposition, as original defined with the project kick off (TBD) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Reference Architecture 2 Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- Anuket Reference Conformance 2 Recap (Scot Steele) - 5 minutes
- ONAP CNF Task Force Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- CNCF Requirements Recap (TBD) - 5 minutes
- Creation of a 2022 Deliverables and Road Map - 30 minutes
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